[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lex[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [Center][i]Interacting with: [@Wick] [@Poohead189] and [@Kyrisse][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Lex awaited the response of the group as their friend flew wildly through the sky before he heard the voice of new person who had approach. She giggled, which allowed Lex to realize how humorous this predicament looked. Though a smile cut across his face, he did not dismiss the man in need of a helping hand. [i]What the hell do I even do about this? If my power flops then I’m not only gonna look like a stupid pile of dirt, that guy could also end up going splat into a tree, cause a forest fire, burn all the vegetation around us, kill the animals, lower the food supply, starve us, and make everyone in the bunker into cannibals… fuck![/i] The thought of superpowered cannibals was horrifying. Lex’s eyes widened as he turned to the group. He suspected that if they could help, they would have already, which meant that he might be the only hope or something. [i]At least I can say I tried… No, not try. I am going to help him![/i] Lex thought as his body morphed into dust particles that flew forth at Jae like some kind of heat seeking missile. The two flew about like a pair of aimless flies trapped in a small room, and that was the most Lex could accomplish in controlling the situation. He attempted to speak, but his voice came out like a hiss which was much too quiet for the pyro to hear. “Ssstop... Ssstop flying.” Lex tried to communicate. Lex was hoping that this guy could just turn his power off midair so he could go in for a catch. With a grunt, Lex reached out towards Jae, but his flames sizzled out his reach. [i]To be honest with myself and as fucked up as this seems, this is actually cool as fuck. I’m a flying dust ball chasing a flying man on fire…. Live it up, right? Anyway, if he slows down, I’m crashing straight into him. If I can suffocate the fire, and break his fall, Everything will be fine, he’s just too fast right now.[/i] [hr][@King Tai][@poohead189][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Spinosaurus][@Kyrisse][@Wick][@alexfangtalon][@December][@Venku]