[center][h1]Sofia Stien: Highway Robbery[/h1][/center] Sofia waited passively as Headhunter made his way to a vantage point and Arsenal attempted to make a team plan. He had lots of guns: he seemed kind of excitable too. Headhunter liked his guns as well or was it just scopes? She wondered if Love Craft liked using guns. Probably not, it seemed to like getting physical. Chatterbox probably used a stylish gun of some sort since he seemed so gentlemanly. Maybe a dueling pistol or something. Sofia raised her hand as though she were in a classroom and spoke, [b]"Hm, well I can walk in the road and see if they stop. If they don't I might be able to time it so I land in the transport. Um, I don't think I can beat anyone in a fight though."[/b] She needed a taser or something. Maybe she should've tried to get some equipment from the Icehouse to be better prepared for this. Well she did still have her pepper spray in a backpocket, as well as her pocket knife, but the knife probably wouldn't amount for much. Sofia wondered what Gamble was like. Probably like one of those shady guys they hung out in back alleys. Or maybe a suave and charming gambler sort of fellow. Hm.