Hello! I put a form together, please let me know if everything in it is okay! ;u; Name: Bonny Bonavide Alias: Figment Position: Student (Grade 11) Abilities/powers: Main power: Subconscious matter manipulation- an ability only usable whilst asleep, this power allows the user to warp surrounding matter in a way so that it corresponds to the contents of the users dreams. For example, if the user has a dream that their purse came to life and tried eating people, then their purse would indeed do so. Likewise, if their dream involved their pillow turning into spiders and crawling everywhere, said transformation would happen. The manipulations can only last so long as the user is unconscious, and automatically returns to normal once they wake up. Supporting/Minor abilities: REM sleep control- Hastens or delays the REM sleep cycle, meaning that a person can dream right as they fall unconscious Dream control- though not refined, this ability allows a user to lucidly dream and somewhat manipulate the contents of their dreams. The curret level of skill for this character is at a stage in which they can wake themselves up from a potentially dangerous nightmare or somewhat control what things in their dreams do, but not choose what changes in their dreams (for example, if a fish turns into a mermaid, the person dreaming can propose to this new mermaid in the dream that they should watch TV or do something non destructive). Sex: Female Age/Date of Birth: 16/ July 12, 1983 General appearance: She's a puff. Her hair is a pitch black matted mess, and it's a question to ask if she keeps it brushed. It reaches a little bit lower than the middle of her back, and attempting to brush it will leave you with a broken brush and even more broken hopes. She looks constantly tired, and you'll notice the rings under her eyes before anything else about her. Her eyes themselves are an orangey-brown colour. She's roughly 5 foot 3, and will glare anyone down that comments on her height in any size, shape or form. She doesn't wear any makeup, leaving her scraggly hair and bagged eyes looking perpetually like she just woke up, or stayed up all night writing a ten page philosophy paper on human knowledge. Most of the time indoors you'll be able to catch her in PJ's, specifically pink ones with little white dragons scattered on them in a pattern and a pair of comfy, fluffy pink slippers. When she's required to look semi decent for going outside, her go to attire for any kind of weather is a baggy white sweater, black sweatpants, some black sneakers and a yellow purse that holds various snacks and plush toys. If it is far too hot out for the sweater (a fact she will rarely admit to), she switches to a white t shirt instead. She almost always has coffee on her, and the rare case she's without she's usually looking for more. Additional Appearance/costume: Currently, she has no combat suit or costume. However, she will try passing off wearing pj's as a combat costume, simply because they're comfortable. Personality: It is pretty easy to label Bonny as a mean or insensitive person, though she is far from. Her near constant exhaustion makes her rather snippy, and what she passes off as a playful comment or joke could be taken as an insult from how she presents it. She's rather sarcastic and almost always sounds tired, portraying a figure of someone that doesn't care about anything going on around them. Though she will rarely directly insult someone, she'll passive agressivley snip at them if they're behaving in a way she sees as inappropriate or annoying. She will make jokes in the most deadpan of voices so that the presentation itself is more entertaining than whatever she said. It's rather hard to legitimatley anger her, though not so hard to irritate her. When angered or offended, she chooses silence and glares to get her anger across. When she isn't sassing someone for something they've said, she just sounds tired and is pretty chill and sociable. Might even smile and crack a non sassy joke and try to start up conversation. Though at first she can come off as slightly insensitive due to her easy to irritate temper and nearly boundless sass (not to mention she looks exhaused almost constantly), if you spend the time to get to know her you'll find that a lot of her passive joking isn't to offend or harm, and that she's a good friend who adores hugs and will try to cheer you up by distracting you from the problem. Very scared of needles and thunderstorms, and she wasn't heavily brought up into any religion. Special Skills: She took theater in her old high school so she can sing and act, and she's rather good at baking from her grandmother teaching her. Place of birth: Ontario, Canada. Weapon(s) of choice: N/A Medical information: Other than running on three to five hours of sleep a day and the amount of caffeine she consumes, Bonny is overall pretty healthy. Not a bodybuilder by far, but she does keep in relative shape. She does have asthma, however, so activity is limited to a degree. Brief History: Bonny spent a large portion of her life in Canada with her parents, with her Grandmother living in the USA. Neither of her parents were mutants, but her grandmother on her mothers side was. Her parents didn't nessesarily hate mutants (they had them in the family, after all), but they weren't the most supportive family when Bonnys powers came in. Especially not at first, when her dreams caused havoc in the house and nightmares became dangerous for them to live through. Pressured from putting up with rampant powers and slightly fearful for their safety, Bonnys parents sent them to her grandmother. She moved when she was 14, and although her grandmother was helpful and kind in helping Bonny learn basic control of her powers, the two both knew she'd have to learn them seriously in case they went haywire. So, when the letter arrived in the mail, both of them were excited for the chance for Bonny to go to the institute. Relatives: She lives/lived with her grandmother, and she isn't in strong contact with her parents or many other people in her family. Her grandmother is her first go to place, and likewise her only go to place for family.