Jenso smirked at Rajaka as he used a technique to block his attack. [i][color=f26522]'Heh, looks like he doesn't like attacks with arcane energy..'[/color][/i] He thought, as a surge of power rushed through him. He stomped the ground with his left foot and dashed further to the right at top speeds to avoid the strike while keeping a good distance away. He kept a close eye on Rajaka's fist as he attacked. [i][color=f26522]'It might be just a punch, but you never know what crazy thing it'll cause with these people..'[/color][/i] Jenso thought, referring to the Order of Chaos. He launched a flame ball at Rajaka's face in an attempt to distract him while appearing to be startled by the man's attack, while a flame wave would erupt from the spot that he struck with his foot earlier, which would head for Rajaka's arm.