Done and done. Now to get back to work on NeoDevimon! EDIT: [@RBYDark] That didn't take long! Without further ado, here's the premier edgy nutjob of the RP! [hider=Feral Digimon: NeoDevimon] [center][img][/img][/center] [u][b]Digimon Species:[/b][/u] NeoDevimon [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Digivolution Line:[/b][/u] Patamon -> Angemon -> NeoDevimon [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [center][quote][i][b]"For insisting you're not a dog, you do seem set on dying like one. Walk away, before I put your whole litter down."[/b][/i][/quote][/center] NeoDevimon cuts a menacing figure. Besides the sheer oppressive aura of inevitability that fills the air around him, he rarely speaks of his own volition, preferring simply to glare at you from behind his inexpressive metal mask. Between this and a reputation for cold-hearted murder and wanton destruction, it's no wonder he's so feared in the villages and towns of the Digital World. The reality of things is somewhat more complex, however. A passionately violent and wounded nature lurks beneath the surface like a predator ready to strike from the shadows, but years of wandering the Digital World and its wilderness as a pariah have worn his temper down. Rather than an unstable killer, the disposition he presents to others when provoked to conversation is that of a bored, fatalistic old vagabond with a caustic sense of humour: you'd be hard-pressed to call it reasonable, but this disaffected state of being leaves it possible to communicate with him in a way that isn't violent slaughter. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Attacks:[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Stun Claw:[/b] Attacks with electrically charged claws. [*][b]Guilty Claw:[/b] An enhanced version of Death Claw, where NeoDevimon's claws run wild with electrical fire. [*][b]Deep Sorrow:[/b] Flaps its wings and produces gales of despair.[/list] [u][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][list] [*][i]Theme (Character)- [b][url=]Kguy&kill don’t 生kiLL (1st Half)- Hiroyuki Sawano[/url][/b][/i] [*][i]Theme (Battle)- [b][url=]Kguy&kill don’t 生kiLL (2nd Half)- Hiroyuki Sawano[/url][/b][/i][/list] [/hider]