[center][h2] - Alexander & Ryudamon - [/h2][/center] Spotless steel hallways, large computer screens, advanced technology, armed guards. Voices talking over speakers, organised mass movement, transport of people and objects, portals to... gods know where. The whole place smelled like a hospital, and looked like a cross between the digital world he knew and some kind of weird sci-fi movie. It was a large, moving machine, and to Alexander it felt like the whole thing was moving far beyond his comprehension. He'd only been 'recruited' a few days ago, and the knowledge that there were other universes out there was still kind of sinking in. And although he was all for fighting the good fight he certainly felt out of place amidst these well cared for uniforms and advanced sciences, discussing advanced matters covering multiple universes as if it were a simply day trip. While usually rather confident and straightforward, emboldened by his many successful battles, here he felt like a small boy in a room full of adults, in way over his head. The very fact that this Osamu treated Ygdrasil, a godlike entity with control over the entire digital universe, as some kind of plug to stop some other creature he'd never even HEARD of before was... astounding. Not for the first time he wondered just how great this strange man's resources were, and what the hell he was doing here if they were as extensive as they felt. If he had been his more confident self he would have probably objected to his plan, based on his own experience with Ygdrassil. It seemed too likely that the megalomanic AI would decide to unleash the entity, or perhaps worse, somehow harness it. The Ygdrassil in Alexander's universe had finally learned to accept humans, but that didn't mean he wanted to put it in charge of what sounded like something very dangerous. Alexander stood in the spotlight, with a slightly unsure smile hiding his bewilderment. By his side was Ryudamon, the small digital creature affectionately nuzzling Alexander's hand. In order to distract himself from what he experienced as a foreign and oppressive atmosphere, Alexander instead turned to the other people in the room. People, individually, he could understand. As team leader in his own digital universe he was a fairly good judge of character, and trusted his gut when it came to people. And even a casual glance around the room told him that he was certainly looking at a diverse cast of characters. Diverse being the nicest word that came to mind. Osamu himself was... eccentric. Exotic. Although appearing relatively young he talked as if he understood what was going on here, which to Alexander indicated great intellect. He appeared to be the mind behind all of this, including many of the technological elements, certainly indicating a prodigy of some sort. But there was also something slightly... off, about him. Alexander couldn't read him. He was always moving, always talking, always looking, always observing. He never seemed to stand still, or take things in. Something about that irked Alexander, and although he thought Osamu trustworthy, he wasn't sure if he was entirely... there. Then again, he had worked with far stranger entities before, so who was he to judge? The other person in the room was another young man, introduced by Osamu as Braize. This fellow looked more like someone Alexander would know, with the casual ready stance he'd seen before in experienced digidestined. Perhaps this guy was a digidestined like him, although he didn't see any digimon partner. Not that all digimon partners were permanently manifested. Of course he'd also heard of other types of digidestined, individuals who partnered up with all sorts of odd beings, and even formed teams of digimon-like entities. Maybe this Braize was from another universe with different rules, which would certainly make working with him interesting. Regardless Alexander felt he could trust this fellow, and looked forward to talking to him later. [hr] Breathing heavily, Alexander stood with one hand against a wall, as Ryudamon poked around curiously while making 'hmm' sounds. The transportation had left him feeling a little queasy, although Rydamon seemed unaffected. Looking up he noticed that there were two new people, although it took him a moment to focus on them. It looked like they were in a city, which wasn't what he'd been expecting. If there had been some climatic battle, wouldn't it have taken place in the digital world? The idea of entities like Ygdrassil and Nyx being in a city like this made him uneasy. If anything went wrong, even if he and his new allies were able to contain the threat, the death toll would be immense. And that's assuming that they were able to contain two immensely powerful entities, something which Alexander doubted severely. He looked questioningly in Osamu's direction, but the eccentric scientist at least LOOKED like he had everything under control, and Alexander hoped for everyone's sake his confidence was more than just an act. Walking over, he took a closer look at the newcomers. Two girls, a short one and a weird one. Great. More strange people. Putting on an affable smile and running a hand through his hair to ensure it maintained it's seemingly constantly state of slightly-ruffled he approached them. Only to, then, be immediately dismissed. A slight look of disbelief crossed his face for a moment as the girl called him weak, only to then completely ignore him. Certainly he'd been underestimated before, but even Ygdrassil had at least acknowledged him. With his pride slightly hurt he waved a hand at her. "Now now, no need to call people that." Looking around, it didn't seem like anyone recognised the weird girl, although the short girl appeared to have been expecting Osamu & co. "So who are you? And also you." He pointed to both of the girls, attempting to sound slightly less confused than he felt. Although he was glad to be out of the... facility, he still felt rather swept away by things. "And most importantly, why are we in a city?"