So Byrd's character proposal got me thinkin'......not about doing a similar character, but an otherwise out-there property with an established history in comic books, and one that could be a great catalyst for team-ups. Byrd may prefer to do mystery stories, but me? Well.......I like to think big...... [hider][CENTER][h1][color=SeaGreen][b]GODZILLA, KING OF THE MONSTERS[/b][/color][/h1][hr][sup][color=SeaGreen]"The sky was blood red and filled with smoke. And through it a devil appeared, its face was twisted with rage and hatred. When it was over my parents were gone. I will never forget the wretched cries of the dead..." -Admiral Taizo Tachibana[/color] [img][/img] [/sup][h3][sup][sup][color=SeaGreen]Gojira [color=SeaGreen]♦[/color] Age Unknown [color=SeaGreen]♦[/color] Male [color=SeaGreen]♦[/color] Chaotic Evil[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER] [COLOR=SeaGreen][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][center]C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:[/center][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]I plan on essentially telling a super-powered horror story, taking cues from the original film, the new [u]Shin Gojira[/u], the Marc Cerasini novels (which ruled, by the way), and the IDW comics to create a threat that players are really going to have to scratch their heads to counter. While I do plan on some midnight-movie kaiju-romps, this is first and foremost a living disaster-scene.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SeaGreen][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][center]N O T E S:[/center][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Currently, Godzilla is the only kaiju on record, and his appearance was an anomaly. After rampaging through Tokyo in 1954, he was destroyed as in the original movie, and he is believed to have been killed outright. While the Gojira 'incident' is the only confirmed encounter with such a creature, it does not mean that he is the only one in existence.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SeaGreen][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][center]T I M E L I N E:[/center][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [hider][b]Apprx. 65M BC:[/b] The Cretaceous Period is brought to an end by the K-T Mass Extinction Event, caused by a massive asteroid impact. Most of the dominant life forms on Earth, the myriad species of dinosaurs, are driven into extinction by the cataclysmic disaster and the resulting climate change. In the South Pacific Ocean, a small group of uncategorized amphibious theropods escapes extinction by taking refuge underwater. Evolving into massive creatures capable of immensely long periods of hibernation, these dinosaurs dwell on the ocean floor for eons, waking on occasion to feed and reproduce, but over time their population dwindles. [b]1943 AD:[/b] American soldiers, attempting to root out entrenched Japanese positions on the small island of Lagos, report encountering a "prehistoric devil" that devoured the landing Marines. Withdrawing the infantry, US Forces bombard the island from sea and air before moving on, believing the mysterious creature killed. [b]1952:[/b] The United States tests its first hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll, not far from the mystery island of Lagos. [b]1953:[/b] Reports begin to grow of fishing and merchant boats going missing in the Sea of Japan. When a recovered sailor dies of radiation poisoning, the United States and Soviet Union are quick to accuse each other of conducting illegal nuclear tests. The native population of Odo Island, who had recovered the deceased sailor, instead blame an ancient and malevolent deity named Gojira. [b]1954:[/b] The beast from Lagos Island-- now hideously mutated by the radiation from Bikini Atoll and grown to impossible size-- makes landfall on Odo Island. The islanders are quick to believe the mutant to be their mythical Gojira, and flee as the creature tramples the island settlement, leaving the area highly irradiated in his wake. Weeks later, the creature makes landfall again, this time in Tokyo. The Japanese military is powerless to stop the monster-- whom, due to a mistranslation by Western press, is dubbed 'Godzilla.' Evacuation efforts are panicked and sloppy, and as a result, civilian casualties are worse than Hiroshima or Nagasaki. By the time the Justice Society of America arrives in an attempt to drive Godzilla away, the death toll is in the hundreds of thousands. In the wake of Godzilla's attack, a new super-weapon is devised to kill the creature: a 'micro-oxygen' device created by Dr. Ishiro Serizawa. Having never intended for the device to be used as a weapon, Serizawa agrees to help create the 'Oxygen Destroyer' in order to help stop the monster, but only on the condition that he be the one to detonate the device. In order to prevent other Destroyer devices being created, Serizawa allows himself to be killed by the blast. Godzilla is reported destroyed. No trace of the monster is found. [hider][b]2017:[/b] A cargo ship is sunk near Singapore. The damage indicated collision with a massive object, and the ship's hull is discovered to be highly radioactive.[/hider][/hider][/hider]