[hider=RULES] [center][h1]ARE FOR FOOLS[/h1][/center] I strive to at least PRETEND to be a responsible adult. So with that said, here's a bunch of rules. And don't hesitate to contact me via PM if you have any questions or concerns. And I'd especially love to hear feedback in regards to the Story and the paotential direction that it can be taken. [hr] [center][b]Treat others the way you want to be treated[/b][/center] We all FEEL like this is something that shouldn't have to be stated. But living on this Earth has provided more than enough evidence that it does. Don't be a jerkass. Be Polite to others. Don't stalk/harass/creep on other people. We're all Nerds pretending to punch monsters in the face online. Whatever Negativity you're carrying out in the real world needs to be left there. [hr] [center][b]Keep IC and OOC sperate[/b][/center] This is an easy one. If someone's character is a jerk, murderer/rapist or all around unpleasant person it doesn't mean the person playing them is. [s]It just means they're an Edgelord[/s] In all seriousness. This RP isn't quite a gritty Dystopian Drama, but people are people. And sometimes they're not nice. It doesn't mean that the person behind the keyboard secretly fantasizes about drowning puppies, they just felt like playing a character that isn't a ray of sunshine. Personally attacking them for that decision as if they're just as bad as a fictional character is childish, and more than a little rude. With that in mind..... [hr] [center][b]Your actions have consequences[/b][/center] Want to RP a murderer? Go for it? Want to RP a sexist pig? Sure why not? Want to RP a racist asshole? I can't stop you. But keep in mind that these actions and opinions have consequences within the RP. Dropping a racial slur to a stranger will get your teeth punched out of your head IRL, chances are people in a fictional version of Earth aren't going to take too kindly to it either. If you insult or attack someone's character, they have a right to RP that character's reaction in the manner they see fit. If your character grabs another character's ass then you run the risk of them trying to break your character's hand. It's common sense. I don't want to hear any crying because your Character was acting like a dick and another Character swung at them. We're RP'ing real people, so expect real people reactions. [hr] [center][b]No Godmodding[/b][/center] This one is going to be tricky to implement, but the short of it is that we're dealing with Supernatural creatures here. The main draw is that they fight each other, and their Humans fight each other. If you and another person want to duke it out, go right ahead. But use combat etiquitte. Don't dodge every attack thrown at you and then turn around and Spirit Bomb the other person. It's rude. I'm currently working on a Combat system that lines up with the Ranking system in the game. But once again, I'll ask you to use common sense. A C-Rated Daemon probably won't be beating up an A-Rated Daemon, at least not without a monumental effort. And they sure as hell wouldn't be squaring up to a Kaiju. If all else fails, roll some dice to settle IC disputes. With that in mind, if you're playing a High Ranked Daemon, don't go around picking fights with lower ranked Daemons for shits and giggles. If you want to show your Daemon beating up some NPC's to establish how much of a dick they are, go right ahead. But leave other players out of that nonsense. [hr] [center][b]If the GM says an NPC will kill you. They will kill you.[/b][/center] Pretty easy one here. But simply put there are some NPC's that you can't attack, or in the event that you should they'll wipe the floor with you. Generally any kind of Law Enforcement is equipped to handle a rowdy Daemon and their Human partner. And these actions come with consequences in the form of fines or if you're especially naughty, Jail time. Apex Implementations is set up to be an Antagonist. But knowing that, it doesn't mean you can barge into the offices and challenge The CEO to a fistfight. You wouldn't make it past the front door without Security breaking their foot off in your ass. Or if I'm feeling mischievous I MIGHT let you get to the top floor and have Lorette bitch slap you back down to the Lobby. I don't expect anyone to run around punching shopkeepers in the face, but if Grand Theft Auto has taught me anything it's that when given the opportunity people WILL cause mayhem. With that said if a Storyline NPC is essential or the type that will kick your ass I'll let you know well beforehand. And you guys are MORE than welcome to make your own NPCs and do what you want with them. This is a living, breathing world and it needs to be filled with people. [/hider] [hr] [hider=FAQ] [color=7ea7d8]Q: Can a player RP the partner of another player? I.E. One player is the daemon while the other is the human?[/color] [color=f7976a]A: Yes! If that's how you'd like to play the Human/Daemon dynamic, than you are absolutely allowed to do that.[/color] [hr] [color=7ea7d8]Q: Could Daemons possibly have more than one form? You say its an expression of their self and can vary wildly, but what about one that likes to look more human unless they are fighting? Or would they have their appearance more or less set upon creating one? [/color] [color=f7976a]A: Yes a Daemon is allowed to change form. But I must inform you that it's not instantaneous and requires a bit of concentration. (You don't want a leg ending up where it shouldn't be.) So a Daemon would have a form for Combat and then another for everyday stuff. But changing form in a sanctioned battle requires a timeout. If a Daemon catches themselves in a non-sanctioned battle they kind of just have to hope for the best. But it's not like changing form strips a Daemon of power. It just manifest in different ways. A Daemon should also take care where and when they change form. Growing bigger in a small crowded room is a great way to trample someone AND get stuck. Humans have mostly become acclimated to seeing weird stuff every day from Daemons, but the do tend to appreciate it when a Daemon looks more Human since they're much easier to talk to.[/color] [hr] [color=6ecff6]Q: Am I required to play as a Daemon/Human Team in order to RP?[/color] [color=f9ad81]A: No you are not. You can play as a Daemon all alone if you'd like, as well as playing as a Human by themselves. Roleplaying as 2 different characters can be a bit much, and so you are more than welcome to play as just one.[/color] [/hider]