"A team is best" Kagami said as she tried to keep people on track and not seperate from eachother "In case people forget while I can take care of myself to a point I will like to remind people that [u]I AM A CLERIC[/u] As such seperating form eachohter is just not going to work. SO please try keep that in mind when the fighting starts. Kagami added once more this was probably a bad idea no one wanted to keep in mind and despite trying to set a strategy. "You may have beat cancer so good for you but in case you forget we are in a party you want us to work together yet you dont want to aid in a team? Im sorry the world doesnt revolve around helping you." Kagami said her tone bitter and straight forward the way she spoke pissed her off not doing her job the tone she used was not going to invite many friends with the way she was speaking.