A beautiful woman responds to Matija's queries. She seemed fairly out of place from the rest, considering how she looked. She also feels familiar to Matija but more like an interesting person that she passed by more than anything. Still, Matija knew that someone had to be someone fairly nasty to be [i]”recruited”[/i] into this project. [quote] “We’re recruited because we’re the worst of the worst. We should cooperate or we will be punished. Ship is wired with surveillance, attempts to hack or so will result in ship shutting down. That guy’s Stryker, the captain. That guy’s Hadrain, the chef, report dietery needs and allergies to him. The Kzargett’s Vavnr, and his bowels aren’t long enough to digest salad. That guy’s Sasha, the medic, report medical conditions to him.’ The mushroom skeleton’s a pilot and volunteer, except he’s not a volunteer because he’s being paid. Captain and mushroom had a fight because mushroom’s going to be in his way. Chef and Kzargett had friendly conversation. Anyone who shares room with that guy will die from lack of sleep. I’m Lataniva, psionic and mind reader. We’re not to kill one another when Captain Dawson isn’t present. That’s it.” [/quote] Matija listened intently at the woman, and glanced at whoever she may gesture at. She found herself amused and feeling wasteful for being late considering that there seems to be more interesting people around here than she thought there was. Especially the mushroom skeleton and the disabled guy holding a metallic arm who apparently doesn't sleep. [color=burlywood]”We have one hell of a ragtag team here, Miss..? Mmm... What's your name again? La, what?”[/color] Matija noted how delicate the other woman seemed and left it at that. Then came the actual tour. Stryker took them into the cargo bay and Matija was almost tempted to ask if she could bunk there instead had it not been for those lousy shuttles. She glared at them, as if challenging them to fight for their territory, but was disappointed to find that the shuttles wouldn't bother with her. But Stryker seemed to be on a busy schedule, so the little crew of theirs moved around the lower deck with general disinterest. However, there were some spaces that seemed like a waste to leave as is. She told herself that she would take those spaces over whether they like it or not, and so left a piece of paper with a horribly drawn spider face and the word “claimed” written on it. Good thing she asked the crew of her transport shuttle earlier. But the rest of the tour was a bummer for Matija. She mostly just wanted to make a little nest of comfort for herself before they get towed around like the illegal conscripts that they are. [quote] "Helsin Mining has deep connections to the Federation, so we figure it's one of two things going on here. Either Helsin is strip-mining planets illegally, or the Federation set this station up to recon Alliance space, keep tabs on events in our territory, maybe even gather intel. No matter the reason for it's appearance, Alliance Command wants it gone. A strategist is drawing up a suggested plan of attack, should be ready by the time the engines get straightened away. I'll be back before you depart, until then, you're all to stay on board, explore, claim your rooms and whatnot. Hopefully you'll all be out of my face within the hour" [/quote] Thankfully, their first assignment impled that they can fuck up this one space station. [color=burlywood]”Heh. Being forced into this is turning out to be great, don't 'cha think, guys?”[/color] she asked nobody in particular as she studied the image as much as they would allow her. When sated, she looks at everyone else again, studying everything that she could about their physiology and maybe try to infer things about them. [color=burlywood]”I just wanna announce that the unused spaces in the lower deck has already been claimed, okay? So, what now?”[/color]