[b]Tatiana Lorenz[/b] Tatiana was busy laying down covering fire, swiveling as blast after blast was thrown at anyone that went near her allies as she covered Shizuka's move for the elevator. Things weren't great, but with the demons busy fighting their doppelgangers or whatever it definitely made things easier for them all. The angels were a bigger problem, especially those allies they had called in, and she found herself grateful for her thrusters to allow for snap dodges. Then everything went sideways as multiple cards activated. A bright light began to fill the room, and before she could do anything she found herself snapped up in some sort of light chain, one that had absolutely no give to it no matter how much she might struggle or her jets fired to try and yank herself free. Eventually she was forced to sit there in a huff, watching with a glare as the demons and the Angels moved for the elevator unopposed. Meanwhile the new Angel explained her demands. What, prove their total innocence in the entirety of existence or beat her in combat? The only way it was any more insane was the fact that apparently Hohenheim could call her up with the snap of her fingers, for how annoyed the Angel might be. Of course, then they were left in a situation that was not ideal, near the mech that had exploded once before and blown her up, while Ni-Mu proved that she had not even been given the basic ethics programming to know what sin was, which as far as Tatiana was aware seemed like an oversight in her basic operations package. But she didn't voice that, instead racking her brain to figure out an answer to the angel. Then at last it occurred to her, and a grin broke out as she looked towards the Angel. "Hey, let me go," she called out. "I haven't committed any crimes or sins. I mean, I remember doing bad things, but those memories aren't mine. I've only been alive for like half a day, and in that time I haven't killed anyone or coveted possessions, stolen, all that good stuff. I shouldn't be punished for the crimes of someone who's already dead." It was true, as far as she was concerned. She was just a clone, who was to say that she had the same soul as the Tatiana who had been blown up in the previous battle? Focused on Iona as she was, Tatiana was completely unsuspecting as Sliske unleashed his attack. She could have held her breath for several minutes, perhaps enough to escape, had she seen it coming. But since she didn't there was no chance to avoid it as she breathed in the purple fumes. Slowly things shifted, a strange tingling on the back of her skull until she realized that where once she had thought there were friends, she was instead alone. Twisted mechanical monstrosities, beings devoured by machines and corrupted by demonic forces. Her blood began to thunder as she threw herself into renewed struggles, growling and huffing. Even if she could not fight the chain. The chains, the chains. Why had she bothered trying to argue, to plead her innocence? This had never been a trial, merely a sham so the Angels could hold their 'holier than thou' attitude. The outcome had never been in doubt, and she had been thrown away. Now she was going to die or become some puppet for a demon, trapped in her own mind and unable to do anything. She knew it for a fac, had seen it before, and she would not allow it to happen here. "No....No no no! Let me go! I won't let you take me!" Hurriedly she tried to prime her funnels, setting them for autonomous fire at everything she designated a target, while more missiles primed themselves for a suicidal fight. She might not succeed, but she would rather die than let these monstrosities get her. [@Mega Birb][@Banana][@KoL][@Ryonara] [hr] [b]Tartys[/b] Tartys and her Amazonian ally made good work as they struck at the Demons, trying to eliminate them from the competition before they could get much further. Yet all of a sudden it was for nought, with them suddenly healed via a card to the point where it was as if they had never been injured in the first place. "So much for that plan," she muttered as she prepared to move for the elevator while holding off the revitalized Demons. It as enough of a distraction for Sliske to fire off his attack, even if Tartys noticed it at near the last second and managed a partial dodge. Her wing took the hit, essentially destroying what was left and ensuring that she would require some serious healing before she would be able to fly again in addition to the burn damage to her side. But it was better that being dead. As she recovered, she found something in her own vision, something that had not been there before. It was a harp, but instinctively she knew that it was more than that. It was not just a harp, it was the peace inherent in the music. It meant that she could go back to being a normal angel, wouldn't have to stain her hands with blood, or feel her body broken and bleeding. She could live as she had before this had happened, before she had been called to fight. From what had been said she new that she could take it, could bring an end to it right now. Whether it would be the war itslf did not matter, as it would be a peace for her. She liked to think that she was a simple soul who did not want for much. And she knew that she could be content, be happy with this. She reached for it, yet at the last second her hand stopped. Even if she no longer had to fight, others would. The Imperator would demand it, and there was nothing to change that fact. Could she so readily abandon her duty for the notion of a life without hardship or suffering, when it would merely be forcing it on someone else? No, she couldn't do that. She wouldn't be able to face herself afterwards. Her hand lowered and she walked past, allowing it to fade away back into an illusion. Perhaps there would come a time when she could accept it, but not now. So she returned to the battle. For now she moved for the elevator, watching as Syphax took one up and preparing herself to do the same when it got back to the lobby. She brandished her spear in a defensive posture, using her magic to create a shield of light that would hopefully deflect any immediate attacks until she had the chance to react. A renewed determination rested in her heart, and she would not stop until she had succeeded. In the meanwhile, the amazon that Tartys had been fighting with faced off against the Nun, one who charged in with a brutal fury. Yet she had not come so far merely to be taken down so simply. The Gunblade roared before being raised in a quick stab as the Amazonian struck back, not content to merely be on the defensive but instead meeting fury with a cold heat as she wielded the weapon like it was nothing more than a plank of wood. [@KoL][@Mega Birb]