[quote=@The Kid Lantern] Zoom could just as well be a guy in a super race car. You don't have to give them the same secret ID's either, I just used familiar stuff with the big three to make the universe seem somewhat familiar. Otherwise I'd have went with Zod Superman, Bekka WW, and Man Bat's alias the vampire Batman's like in Gods and Monsters. I also didn't want to base an RP off of that universe specifically since I haven't seen the whole film. I'd also think about ways to use the character if the Flash is something completely the opposite of what you want with Zoom or even not used at all. The idea is we'll introduce our characters in the various cities before coming together when Metropolis is hit. I thought about universes like Stan Lee's DCU [Earth 6]: [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/5/58/Earth_6_0001.png/revision/latest?cb=20150131205207[/img] As well as Earth 9, the Tangent universe: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/7/79/Earth_9_0001.png/revision/latest?cb=20150131205208[/img] ... whenever I was toying with the concept of things being similar mostly in name only. In the Tangent universe for example, Green Lantern is a woman with a Lantern on a staff that raises the dead. And the Flash is a girl with light based powers. The Atom of that universe is an atomic powered juggernaut. With Stan Lee's DCU, Superman was a stranded space cop, Green Lantern was connected to the energies of the Tree of Life, and Shazam was like a demon or something. You guys can take these concepts and go nuts. My Hawkman is meant to be something of a combo of Hal Jordan and Tony Stark in terms of being a pilot/inventor along with his bff who will likely be something like Tom Kalmaku. I also took a little inspiration from the Rocketeer. ~KL~ [/quote] That kind of defeats the point in using Zoom then. Might as well just pick something totally different. That leaves me with Aquaman... though frankly I couldn't bring myself to scrap the Atlantis stuff and so the character would just end up being the same as always. I did have another thought though: Green Lantern. My version somewhat channels the Golden Age Lantern in that it's magical in nature. Unlike that, though, the Green Lantern Ring would be part of a set - one for each of the expected Lantern colors. But rather than be a space cop, these rings are basically magical artifacts of unknown origin that grant a different power depending on which one you're wearing. The only commonality is that each ring stops the wearer from aging while they are worn. So owners of any given ring could be centuries or even a millennia or two old and you'd never notice it. Yeah it's kind of Mandarin Inspired, but to add another twist to things the rings could also be the keys to unlocking an even greater power when brought together. This could motivate ring wearers into centuries old rivalries and fights over who has which rings, perhaps with one particularly old card-carrying villain who's puppet-mastering them all so he can swoop in and snipe the prize for himself.