[center][h2][color=khaki]Claire[/color] (NPC)[/h2][b]Amalgam University [@Sho Minazuki] [@floodtalon] [@Alder] [@I-Am-X][/b][/center] As Claire started to pick up the books scattered upon the floor, soon the two teens had joined her in picking them up for her. Seeing their generosity placed a delighted smile upon her lips then slightly giggling at their little quarrel. [color=khaki]"I apologize for the trouble but I'm grateful for your help nonetheless! It's a pleasure to meet you, York and Talonite. My name is Claire and well... Rather than a Pokemon trainer, I'm a nurse in training from Kalos."[/color] Slowly stacking the books she had picked up on top of the other, the nurse was asked a question while doing so. Oh boy, asking someone who gets lost as often as Claire how they ended up on the right track is always a long and interesting story to tell but she decided a shortened version would suffice. [color=khaki]"Why, yes I was the nurse handling the healing station back at the laboratory. That's a very good question Talonite, but to sum it up, a kind female officer decided it was easier to guide me to my destination by simply letting me on her motorcycle."[/color] It wasn't the first time someone had given up on her terrible sense of direction nor will it be the last. Once the fallen books were mostly picked up, another teen had offered to help picking up the last of the books to which Claire smiled. [color=khaki]"Thank you for your help, we're almost done here--"[/color] [i]CRASH. THUD. THUMP.[/i] Another unfortunate accident. This time, a female (?) student crashed onto her which caused Claire to bump her head against York. What happened to the books which were finally stacked upon her arms? [i]All over the place.[/i] Dizzy from the train wreck of an accident that was, the nurse could literally feel her eyes spinning. [color=khaki]"Uhhh.... Co-Could a Pokemon be using Swift? I-I think I'm seeing stars..."[/color]