[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: Forest -> Route 9 [h2][i]Bearginnings of Maria Boadicea[/i][/h2] Interaction:[@I-Am-X][@Amaterasu][@itano123] GM:[@Sho Minazuki] [/center] [hider=Team] [hider=Francis - Fletching] [color=f6989d]Name:[/color] Francis [color=f6989d]Species:[/color] Fletching [color=f6989d]Gender:[/color] Male [color=f6989d]Ability:[/color] Big Pecks [color=f6989d]Battle Experience: [/color] 2+1+1(4) [color=f6989d]Moves:[/color] Tackle Tailwind - inherited move Quick Attack Peck [/hider] * [hider= Maria Boadicea - Eevee] [color=a36209]Name:[/color] Maria Boadicea [color=a36209]Species:[/color] Eevee [color=a36209]Gender:[/color] Female [color=a36209]Ability:[/color] Run away [color=a36209]Battle Experience: [/color] 2 [color=a36209]Moves:[/color] Tail Whip Growl Covet Tackle [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Bag] 3 potion 3 pokeballs 1 revive [hider=Other staff Danilo drags with him] One comb One brush One big towel One small towel One scarf One pokedex One old map from Chromis One notebook with pen One makeup case small, full. One small first aid case, including bandages, thermometer and alcohol. One empty casing for berries One empty cassing for TM One rope -[i] you never know when you need it to climb out a hole you fall in[/i] [/hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/ee/3e/0eee3e4e9b1d28a2b8a712c1c0c76016.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] Francis fly up readying himself to strike with another quick attack or peck the moment his trainer said the word. But instead of being given a order his trainer healed the old eevee. And in that time Francis watched as another hammer arm landed, the heart shaped voice laser landed as well. Watching this he wished he could join with some flames of his own. Their opponent started to retreat and after a dirty look he was gone. They won. He won. Francis made a loop in the the air and started quite happily to chip in victory. Landing just in time on Dans shoulder. Sure he was tired and spent, but as well unlimited happy and proud with himself. After Danilo healed the leader eevee he witnessed the end of the fight. It was good it ended, as well as thankful the girls covered him while he did the healing. He picked up all his things, the bag and his staff mainly. Watching amusingly as the leader more than obviously scolded the young eevees for the trouble and behaviour. It was such a sweet ending of this story, happy endings always gave him a warm feeling. He turned and was about to set on the way back to the route number... Was it seven or nine or eleven? It must have been one of those numbers. He couldnt any longer remember. Not to get lost Danilo was about to simple tag after Ruby sure she must know the way back to Ven. It was then something brushed by his leg and he looked down, with one hand holding his hat from falling off. One of the eevees stared at him, her ears slightly twitching as her tail stood proud. She appeared eager and simple said: [color=a36209]"Eevee."[/color] Francis responded with a overjoyed chip and fly from Dans shoulder down to land in front of her. Danilo knew what would make his little bird this happy. [color=a187be]"My energetic lady am I to presume you wish to join our journey of discovery, adventure and unraveling of mystery?"[/color] That definitely exited the Eevee further, jumping in place before she nodded.[color=a187be] "Then in Francis and my own name Danilo, I would feel blessed to share the raise to a shining star with you."[/color] He made a bow to the Eevee and Francis chipped, making a bow of his own to imitate his trainer manners. She grinned this was already a lot more interesting than staying in the forest. [color=a187be]"Ah, we need to give you a appropriate name before anything. A name that will be gleaming in the mass, and echo the beauty and strength of your very soul. Lets see, lets see."[/color] And Danilos attention fully zoomed on his newest poke friend. The world didnt exist to the red head as he started to circle the normal type. Observing her from every angle and occasionally muttering things along, not good enough. Not fitting enough. Too bland, too overused, too common. After three circles Danilo clasped his hands together. [color=a187be]"I have found it." [/color] She looked up in anticipation of what her name will be. Wondering if the name will give away what evolution her trainer would prefer. [color=a187be]"Maria."[/color] He said and she blinked, tilting her head. But Danilo raised his staff and continued speaking. [color=a187be]"Exactly, I was thinking it would be too bland, like eating a meal without any salt or spice. Thats why your full name shall be Maria Boadicea. The name Boadicea has roots from the word victory, so your name would mean Maria the Victorious. Stunting. As well it has a melodic sound dont you think. Maria Boadicea, Boadicea Maria. Its a eye catching name. Do you enjoy it?" [/color]Danilo asked and she thought for a few moments about it, it did sound really nice. It sounded big and important. She once more nodded. With that settled in Danilos hand appeared a pokeball,nearly as if it was a magic trick and he kneed down on one knee in front of her holding the hand with the pokeball towards her, while he put the staff across his knee. [color=a187be]"Then from today on Maria Boadicea I, Danilo Suviol, wish to be your trainer. Will you be my pokemon partner." [/color] Francis was standing by the side and a tear of happiness shred from his eyes. He chipped a few times, this was so touching. Maria laughed and with a grin she bumped her head against the ball, the light wrapped around her and pulled her inside. The pokeball shock once, twice, three and the stars appeared. The pokedex in Danilos bag, behind him pinged informing him of the successful capture. He stood up, and leaning on his staff he called his newest poke friend out. [color=a187be]"Come forth Maria Boadicea!" [/color] Danilo picked his back and with Maria and Francis by his side he followed the girls back to the route whatever the number was. He softly hummed quite overjoyed with his first catch. Putting the events down to memory as the story was fascinating, Danilo walked on auto pilot following the sparkling pink and ice blue wherever they lead him.