[@Ramjammer] Awright, here we go. Finished early. Sorry about not having any pictures for Nem, but I couldn't find anything suitable, so I hope that description is enough. Gotta go for a bit, but I'll adjust anything that needs adjusting when I get back~ [hider=Isabel and Nem] [center][img]https://safebooru.org//images/1605/536639056815a1ca614b321d6ee5152e2121efbc.png?1681132[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Isabel Scott [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Occupation:[/b] Mid-Tier Illegal Fighter [b]Partner Name:[/b] Nemain [b]Appearance:[/b] Quite attractive to most people, Isabel, or Bel, as she has shortened her name to - stands at a somewhat tall 5'7". She has fiery red hair, a gift from her mom with eyes a bright green color. Her skin is a healthy, attractive color with a smooth complexion free of blemishes. She often wears some various forms of leather jackets with comfortable fitting t-shirts or tanktops and comfortable jeans. On her feet, she usually wears boots. Despite that, she has a few tattoos on her body, most notably the number '4' in roman numerals just under her left eye, and the tattoo of a sword on the back of her hand and the words 'Bua nó bás' tattooed on her shoulder. It's old Irish/Gaelic what have you, which is where she gets her ancestry from. [b]Threat Rating:[/b] A-Rank [b]Weapons:[/b] While Bel doesn't have any 'weapons' she has been trained in various forms of martial arts from a young age, much to her fathers dismay. She knows how to use them, and is quite physically able. [b]Personality:[/b] At first, Bel would probably come off as cold, somewhat uncaring and aloof. Seemingly taciturn and serious, she doesn't particularly speak much to others unless spoken too first. Even then, she typically keeps her sentences short and to the point. This, has a tendency to make people somewhat wary of her seriousness. Doesn't help she tends to freeze if people start actually praising or complimenting her, or getting overly friendly either which can make some people think she doesn't appreciate it. She does, but she's too busy trying to reboot her brain to say anything. That said, she is incredibly competitive, and any sort of competition be it fighting or any other test of skill, is just one way to get her to loosen up quite a bit. Levelheaded most of the time, it's also rare for her to lose her cool and panic in a lot of situations...except for those with heavy social interaction. It should be noted though, she has a very volatile temper. After spending years and years bottling up her emotions, in order to play the 'perfect little princess', it sometimes comes to the surface in the form of mild annoyance or violent outbursts if she's having trouble doing something. She has an intense dislike for rules, regulations, and anyone trying to tell her what to do. [b]History:[/b] Daddy's perfect little angel. That's what she was supposed to be. Perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect personality. Not to mention rich and fairly popular at school. Of course, such things often come with extremely high expectations not everyone can live up to and sometimes they tend to have negative effects on someone who does try. Isabel is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who works for the upper echelons of the wealthy, elite, 1% if such a thing ever even existed. She was expected to be an example of a perfect little angel, and for a time she tried desperately to keep that image. All through high school she had perfect grades, kept a perfect track record with her behavior and was fairly popular with her peers. In all, she had a fairly good, easy life growing up if one simply took things as they looked on the surface. In reality, she was afforded very little time for luxuries, or any sort of 'playtime' such as hanging out with friends, playing video games, or other such things. Instead, she had to focus on keeping her grades top notch lest she get an earful from her father and punished for it. The only source of stress relief and fun she had, was the martial arts lessons her father reluctantly agreed to let her have. Her life continued as such all up until her senior year of high school, when she finally snapped. She had made a tiny little mistake, and it cost her a prestigious scholarship to some fancy university she doesn't even remember the name of. She told her father off, told him to go find his whore of a girlfriend, and to leave her alone before she stormed out of their apartment - but not before taking [i]a large[/i] chunk of money out of his bank account which she did have legal access too and moved out. It was about two years later when she was twenty she stumbled across the illegal Daemon fight rings, and met Nem. She never had much of an interest in the sanctioned fights since they were so...restrictive, but with the help of Nem? Well, this sounded like tons of fun. [hider=Nemain] [b]Name:[/b] Nemain [b]Age:[/b] [color=a187be][i]"Rude."[/i][/color] [b]Species:[/b] Daemon [b]Occupation:[/b] Mid-Tier Illegal fighter [b]Partner Name:[/b] Isabel Scott [b]Appearance:[/b] Mostly Human Form: Nemain in her mostly human form takes the appearance of an attractive woman. She has long, waist length black hair that is usually kept straight. Her skin is extremely pale, almost a pure white color. Really, put her against a field of snow, and you'd probably have trouble finding her. She has very visible, elfin like ears that end in a sharp point, which sometimes twitch in either irritation or impatience if something is taking awhile. She constantly has a bored look, as if always searching for something 'fun' to do. All of her teeth end in sharp points. Her most notable differences though, are her eyes. They are a bright orange - the sclera of which is black. A lithe, wiry tail extends from her waist, ending in a sharp point and often idly flicking back and forth out of boredom. As for clothing, she tends to not wear any since she has no need of it. Most of her body from her chest down is covered in hard, thin black metal plating that is cool to the touch. Her legs are covered in a hard, thick layer of what looks to be cool, black metal plating with her feet ending in sharp clawed talons. Her arms from her elbow down, are much the same and end in five sharp claws. [b]Combat Form:[/b] However much Nem likes gallivanting around as a human, she can never hide the fact she is in fact a Daemon and takes great pleasure and scaring the funny little humans. Her actual form is much more demon looking than her human form. Standing at almost ten feet when at full height, she looses almost any semblance of her human form and instead becomes what could almost be described as a feral beast that delights in killing people. First, her body is covered entirely in incredibly durable and flexible armor and she grows a total of two feet. Her tail does as well, becoming an armored weapon perfect for bashing, or using the axe-like end to cut anyone attempting to sneak up on her. Her face is covered as well, loosing any of its previous human charms with it. Instead, a macabre grin is plastered across a metal plate that is used in place of a her face. On her back, spikes of numerous length grow. The claws on her hands grow longer, along with gaining two blades on her lower arms that protect her arms. The appearance of the beast isn't at all as large as it seems. In fact, its quite lithe and agile, built more for agility rather than brute strength though it is still quite strong. If summed up in a few words, I would describe her as 'A Heavily Armored Kitten Raptor'. Note: Talking in this form is actually a bit difficult for her. [b]Threat Rating:[/b] A-Rank [b]Weapons:[/b] Claws, talons, and her tail. Also biting people to death. [b]Power/skills:[/b] [hider=Human Form] [i]Darksteel Plate:[/i] The armor adorning her body is actually a form of material that is yet to be seen on any sort of earthly realm. It's more durable than the strongest steel, yet flexible as any cloth and incredibly light. Even in her mostly human form and on her 'fleshy bits' she is incredibly durable and difficult to injure in any capacity. [i]Darksteel Claws:[/i] The claws adorning her hands, the talons on her feet, and the bladed tail she wears are made of the same material. Able to slice through most things with almost uncanny precision and almost no resistance, they can slice steel into small pieces with ease. [i]Enhanced Speed, Agility, acrobatics, and strength.[/i] While she isn't a powerhouse like some of her Daemonic brethren, she outclasses almost all of them in terms of speed and agility. Able to move at speeds almost impossibly fast for humans and demons to keep up with. At full sprint, she can go from stand still to almost 100mph in seconds, and can maintain that speed for extended periods, and not just short bursts. Additionally, she is quite flexible and can perform acrobatics and maneuvers that would almost certainly be nearly impossible for most humans to attempt. And of course, she does have enhanced strength compared to humans, and is able to roughly lift a ton of weight. [/hider] [hider=Combat form] In this form, aside form the abilities she has in human form, she gains a number of new ones as well. [i]Walking Armor:[/i] Essentially, Nemain is a walking suit of armor in this form. Her body is made out of the same Darksteel material. This provides quite a number of benefits, since she can not suffer internal injuries nor be 'crippled'. However, it also means she can not heal through normal means and takes her longer to recover from injures. When injured, all that comes out is a odorless, black liquid that is poisonous to humans and daemons in large quantities. [i]Toxic Quills:[/i] On her back, grows a number of toxic darksteel quills coated in the same odorless liquid. They can be used for weapons, and fired from a distance. Great for penetrating heavily armored foes. The toxin in small doses won't kill, but they will make any affected by them feel sluggish, and feel as though their body is freezing from the inside out. [i]Berserker Rage:[/i] Fear? Fear you say? Fear has no place on the battle field. Nemain fights in a frenzied manner, as if she was a feral beast. Fear is something that she knows nothing of on the field. Even if injured, she fights at full capacity despite any injuries. This blood-lusted frenzy is boosted the more she fights and the more blood is spilled or she is injured, gaining bonuses to strength. [i]Other:[/i] -Able to see in the dark as clear as day -Almost impossibly good sense of hearing, and can detect sounds from almost anywhere. -Despite her size, she is eerily quiet. Her movements make no noise, and it is almost impossible for someone to hear her sneak up on them. [/hider] [hider=Tattoo] If, Nemain is forced to retreat into the tattoo for whatever reason for defensive purposes or otherwise, Bel has a a single ability of Nem that Nem will give her access too - Covering the human in a set of armor. [i]Darksteel Armor:[/i] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/99/b9/1c/99b91c7fe06a46353e696c0efc142ab8.jpg]The armor[/url] is made of the same durable material as Nem's main body, sporting the same defensive purposes. This grants Bel the same physical abilities of Nem. Enhanced strength, speed, and endurance. She is able to leap impossible distances for humans, able to perform impossible feats of strength and is protected from quite a number of environmental hazards be they fire, ice, or lightening. It also gives her Nem's night vision and hearing abilities, as well as her silent movement. In this form though, she currently has no weapons and must rely on her own martial training and physical strength and agility to accomplish things. Additionally, while it is Bel who has control over her body and such, Nem still retains control over the armor. And if that soft squishy fleshy thing inside of it is injured, Nem can simply force it to keep fighting, even if said squishy thing is unconscious. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Nemain, is quite simple in her behavior when you get down to it. She follows what is probably the oldest and simplest thing in the book: The strong trample over the weak, and the weak will either follow or be brushed aside. She is about as bloodthirsty and as violent as most Daemons come and especially delights in causing a bit of a mess when she gets her hands on a human or two. Obviously, she's not the most friendliest or nicest of people when you get down to it. However, her outward personality greatly hides her more...violent tendencies. Most, simply see her flirty, somewhat impishly cute side. She can come off as rather high maintenance. Though, if she takes a liking to a human she can be quite...friendly, with them. However, this is rare that this happens. And if it does, she usually takes a liking to criminals, and others who...aren't exactly the friendliest of people, or those who have a high potential to be such people. If, she does take a liking to someone, they will find a surprising side to her that she doesn't show anyone else. Namely, loyalty among her...affections of other sorts. Can surprisingly be a bit lazy at times unless something catches her attention. Likes to nap and eat ice cream. [b]History:[/b] She's old. She'll tell you that much while promptly telling you, you are irredeemably rude for asking a lady her age. She doesn't really talk about her history much, but if one knows anything about Gaelic deities you'd realize she shares the name with an old deity. She denies any relation, though and comments her history is rather boring. [/hider] [/hider]