[center][color=A9A9A9] [h3] Lomen [/h3] [/color][/center] [@Jangel13][@El Noche][@December] [hr] Lomen was not able to stand on his own and noted a hand appear in front of his face. [color=orange]You are a fierce fighter indeed brother.[/color] [color=A9A9A9]"I see it runs in the family brother. I hope you have learned something from our bout."[/color] Lomen took the hand and got up to his knees first before slowly standing up. He patted Zectoll on the head and smiled. [color=A9A9A9]"But you have proven yourself the stronger fighter this time. Now it is time to rest and it seemed our hidden brother has found something of value."[/color] With a gesture of the hand, Lomen pointed to the iron ore and made his way over, slowly and wobbly. When reaching Grandpa and Skubli, he half sat/collapsed down and intently looked at the iron ore. His senses told him that it was an important stone and once he memorized the sense of it, he glanced around the cave and saw a hint of it towards one of the untouched back wall. Lomen smiled at Skubli and pointed towards the wall. [color=A9A9A9]"I don't know what that stone is, but from Grandpa's expression it is an important stone. I also seem to be getting a wierd sense from it, so it must be important. With that in mind, there is no time to waste. There is some over this way, just a bit into this wall..."[/color] Lomen shambled over to the wall, grabbing a small stone along the way. After reaching the wall, he felt around the area and started to chip away at the wall. It was extremely slow from already being exhausted after the fight, but Lomen did not want to waste time. Any moment he stood without learning or working was a moment wasted. Although he had to be sure to stop and breath a few times to gain stamina back slowly as he chipped away at the wall. He could sense the iron in the wall, but it was probable just beyond a thin layer of the wall since it was still faint, but noticeable.