[center][color=aqua][h2]Tora Azure[/h2] - Feyhollow Town || Train Station- [/color][/center] [hr] [color=aqua]"Apologies, I'm just a bit worn, I'll be okay."[/color] Tora tried to reassure her companions. When they returned Butch to Penny, Tora let out a relieved smile. At Cillian's suggestion, the eldest member of the group nodded a little. [color=aqua]"Alright, we'll see one another soon then."[/color] she said. Tora went to the Pokemon Center to restore her party back to health. As well as taking some medication to help ease the pain. When she got there however, she had to put on her hoodie and attempt to hide as she recognized a man and woman in black suits and sunglasses, examining her cell phone she had thrown away. Her heart pounded against her chest in panic, but she managed to get in and out quick enough so they didn't recognize her. For a snack, she grabbed a bagel and gave Archie the Rare Candy she received from Penny's mother. Though she did stop at the Pokemart, grabbing two Pokeballs, and four rare candies. Giving one to her newest addition, Cairn the Onix who was quite a bit calmer now that she wasn't under the Comfey's spell. Meeting up with the others, Tora looked a bit better, though her skin was quite a bit pale. Still she smiled to the others. [color=aqua]"Sure, lets start heading off. Hopefully get there before sundown."[/color] she said, moving to the stand to purchase three tickets for them to ride on the train. Both eager to leave before her father goons show up, and to actually ride something like this. There has been a lot of firsts these last couple of days. [hr] [hider=Notes] +1 post +1HHG = 47 + 5 Mission Reward = 52 (-30) = 22 +1CP = 44 Pokemon: [list][*]Archie the ♀Growlithe: Level 11(LVL UP 1=12)/Healthy [*]Sirius the Staryu: Level 4/Healthy [*]Pezi the ♂Skiddo: Level 4/Healthy [*]Rachni the ♂Venipede: Level 2/Healthy [*]Cairn the ♀Onix: Level 1(LVL UP 1=2)/Healthy[/list] Inventory: 5x Pokeball 1x Potion 3x Rare Candies -Continued interaction with [@ToadRopes]'s character Juana. -Continued interaction with [@Dusksong]'s character Cillian.[/hider]