[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3DHrDpJ.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=a2d39c]Miyu, [s]Traitor Angel[/s] Honorless Blade[/color][/h3][/center] [color=a2d39c]"Hurk."[/color] Miyu said, as she accidentally ran into a sword, dying. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JoVuKGY.png?1[/img][/center] [h3][center][color=e6e6e6]Zyata, Amazon[/color][/center][/h3] [color=e6e6e6]"Nyx, incoming at.."[/color] Zyata yelled, intending to warn Tartys of danger, but didn't know her name, and was too slow as she tried to yell a full sentence to the Amazon whose name she did know. [color=e6e6e6]~Shit.~[/color] Then she got another chance to warn... She thinks that was angel? It wasn't in chains from the really glowy angel, and a demon or a machina was firing it at it, so decent odds. She made her words punchier. [color=e6e6e6]"PURPLE, DODGE!"[/color] She hoped that got the idea across and in time this time. [@KoL] Refocusing on her own matters, she spotted the Nun running at her in a funny pattern. [color=e6e6e6]"Do they actually think that works?"[/color] Zyata spoke, an eyebrow raised as the nun zig-zagged. [color=e6e6e6]~Still... It's fun to use people's allies against them...~[/color] A smile spread across her lips replacing the confusion of the moment before, as she took aim and fired. The shot thundered out.. but the nun seemed to have chosen to zag at just the right moment, and the shot continued behind her and slammed through the other Nun from shoulder to shoulder, having been held in place for just a moment clashing with Nyx. If Nyx turned to see the source of the kill-stealer, as many times before, she would see Zyata blowing her a kiss as she stood over the smoking barrel of her gun and kicked up her spear to face her own oncoming foe. [@Flamelord] [color=e6e6e6]~In a one on one fight between equal opponents, reach is often the deciding factor. A spear'll beat a sword every day of the week one on one.. But all you've got is a claw. And we aren't even close to equal!~[/color] A toothy grin of mad anticipation overtook Zyata as she leaned one foot forward, and pulled her left hand back as far as it would go, while her right was near the tip to guide an accurate thrust. [color=e6e6e6]~Time to show off.~[/color] They clashed, Zyata's spear and Nun's claw glancing off one another, but the Nun's claw was deflected to the side, while Zyata's spear was deflected across the Nun's body and into her other arm, depriving the Nun of her only advantage of having two weapons to Zyata's one. As the Nun tried to strike while the tip of Zyata's spear was occupied in the Nun's other arm, Zyata quickly put and end to that with a bone dislocating shaft strike against the elbow. [color=e6e6e6]"Tsk Tsk.. Straight for the kill? No time to play? You should enjoy life.[/color] Zyata said as she sidestepped a headbutt, the Nun certainly not giving up, and tripped the Nun with the back of the spear. But before the Nun could fall, Zyata caught her with the tip, and hurled her up into the air, spinning and covered in a deep slash.[color=e6e6e6]"Like this!"[/color] Zyata's eye gleamed with the mad joy of the hunt, and she thrust twice in the blink of eye, stabbing each lung once, before timing a spinning slash with the counter spin of Nun, slicing around the whole neck. The Nun landed in a pile, before the head rolled off, the shock of the landing dislodging the bare scraps of flesh still holding it on. [color=e6e6e6]"If only I could figure out how to make them land on their feet. That'd be awesome."[/color] She smiled at her handiwork for a moment, before her eyes flicked back up to the battle at hand and more prey. [@Mega Birb]