With the food on the way, Andrew decided he would go and find Max. After all, Andrew has nowhere else to go but forward. He's done nothing but go forward his entire life, and he wasn't about to let a little gunshot get in the way, was he? Like all of the newcomers, he wasn't sure what to look for. Andrew had little idea of what or how he was going to get what he needed from the Zone. If he was to get anywhere with his photos he was going to need someone's help. His friend, the one who had left him the gun, had given him instructions to "Find Max and he'll lead you in the right direction." He looked around at the table that the Barkeep had pointed at. It wasn't very far away but it seemed like the room continued to go for miles in Andrew's head. He wasn't thinking straight. Life as a Stalker is at it's most difficult when you're new and inexperienced. Andrew could feel some of the stares that the veteran Stalkers were giving him. Andrew did his best to ignore them. "I'll feel better when I've eaten." Andrew thought. With that, he plucked the courage to get up and head over to the table where Max was. "I'm looking for a man named Max, would that happen to be one of you?" [hider=Note]I know that my posts have been short. I'm still getting used to these forum Rp's, I'm used to text-chat based RP with mostly dialogue and a few descriptions. My Internet is unreliable at the moment, in fact today I couldn't fix it until about 2:10am. The roomates are pitching in to get a new router. I'm shitting out this post because [@pugbutter] hasn't gotten his own character into the fray yet, and he's waiting on my character. I'm also shitting out this post because I promised pug I would post the second I read his reply. So yes I know this is shite in terms of size and content but I'm getting it out before bed tonight.[/hider]