Some other subtle notes in the mural:[list] [*]Pink Diamond's feet and base are crumbling in her mural, perhaps alluding to her death and 'shattering' [*]There are red auras around three of the planets circling Yellow Diamond's head, perhaps [i]Nebulas[/i] or even [i]stars[/i] that she's conquered near those planets. [*] Finally, and perhaps most importantly, planets White Diamond has conquered seem to have moons that brandish the line of planetary axis or ring(s). No other diamond in the mural has moons with those lines. Thus, this leads me to believe that some of the dots in White Diamond's mural represent [i]solar systems[/i] she controls, with the moons now representing planets and the planets representing stars or other large, celestial bodies.[/list] [i]Damn, I should do this conspiracy work for a living.[/i]