"I'll get the ones at 12 and 3, get the one at our 6 then come help me." Dante said, as 'she' moved to intercept the incoming Ogres before the one she'd just finished killing hit the ground. [i]'2 axes, 1 spear, attack and speed buffs on the axes, effectively nothing on the spear'[/i] 'she' thought as 'she' let the close in a little closer just to get the status of the Ogres. With that knowledge in hand 'she' lead into the two axe wielders with Whirlwind Vacuum Slash before needing to parry the spear user before delivering a solid strike to the Ogre's gut. A couple seconds later the Paralysis effect wore off and the two with the axes came at 'her',and 'she' started leading them, getting them to bunch up a bit. From there a few things would be noticeable. First; 'she' was doing damage to all three with every swing, second; despite the defensive buff, the spear user wasn't really taking any less damage then the two with the axes, and lastly; the Ogres where taking damage as Dante did.