I bulldoze right through it. I am speaking from the perspective of a writer/author/novelist. No muse, not inspired? No problem! Just keep writing. The best way to defeat writer's block is to plow right through the wall, because more often than not, the wall will never get torn down unless you do it, and usually, there's plenty of goodies on the other side that will fuel your writing. If you stop, you'll write nothing and not get anywhere - if you just keep writing, you may not be creating a masterpiece, but it gives you something to work on. First draft may not be nice, but you don't have to accept it, and you can edit from there and inject some good ol' quality juice into it. It's easier because it would be there in front of you, rather than a blank page. And besides, since it is roleplaying we're talking about, it's not like millions of people are going to pay for it, read it, and then give you one-star ratings, right?