[hider=OMACTIVATE!] [b]Character Reimagined:[/b] OMAC [b]Secret ID:[/b] Omega-Force Manageable Ancillary Channeller, Gizmo [b]Age:[/b] six months [b]Powers:[/b] [hider=OMAC unit] OMAC is a satellite capable of channeling and controlling the primal energies of the Omega-force. When willed by OMAC, an awesome beam of red light (the Omega-Force) descends from the satellite to imbue a person on the ground with all of the powers of the champion of the Omega-Force which are: -Super Strength: An OMAC conduit’s strength varies depending on whom it possesses but normally it is increased to a level that would allow him to rival the likes of a Kryptonian. -Super Durability: An OMAC conduit can take the full force of a bullet train with minimal effort and can survive for around a day in the void of space if need be. (Again, this varies with the host.) -Omega Beams: OMAC conduits can draw directly from the Omega-Force and fire beams of red energy from their eyes which can bend and change direction to follow their target. The beams begin to disintegrate whatever they touch though the process isn’t instantaneous but it’s still a deadly power to begin with. -Knowledge Assimilation: The OMAC AI is able to draw upon all of the memories of it’s current and past hosts (as long as they had been previously drawn upon) and use their knowledge to help him in his endeavours. [/hider] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Omega Consciousness: The Omega-Force, while an awesome force capable of immeasurable feats, has a major drawback. The Omega-Force is a living thing and was once the one controlling it’s conduits but with the addition of OMAC acting as a filter of sorts, the consciousness has to take a back seat to OMAC though it doesn’t take it’s position very well. When OMAC is active, its constantly barraged by the constant struggle to keep the Omega-Force out of control. -Energy Based Attacks: While not all energy attacks are equally effective against OMAC, they are all an issue as OMAC uses energy to carry out most of it’s functions. Given enough energy based trauma, OMAC can be weaselled out of control and the conduit’s body would be forfeited over to the Omega-Force consciousness. Magic can also be an issue to both OMAC and the Omega-Force consciousness due to the finicky nature of merging a human host with the Omega-Force. -Recharge: After imbuing and releasing a creature from the Omega-Force, OMAC needs an hour or so to get realigned with the Omega-Force and create new ‘firewalls’ in order to continue to make it difficult for the Omega-Force to take over. -Radion: While very rare on Earth, the element Radion acts as a sponge to the Omega-Force and getting near the element can cause huge deductions in power. [b]Personality:[/b] At the moment OMAC doesn’t have much of a base personality but he is capable of learning rapidly and will likely build up a personality of his own in a matter of weeks after interacting with others. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=The Satellite] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/a/a8/BrotherEye.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121010023857 [/img][/hider] When people are possessed by OMAC’s Omega-Force they lose all of their hair, usually double in size, gain a bulkier physique and the skin around their eyes appears to crack. Additionally they get a crimson red tint to their skin as well as a red glow as they brim with energy. Their clothes are also changed by the force and turned into form fitting suits with a red eye like emblem on the chest (sometimes directly in the middle and sometime its off to the side depending on the original clothes). [b]BRIEF Bio:[/b] [hider=Omega-Force]Many ancient culture on planets have stories of the godly red light that brought destruction to numerous civilizations. The light was known on Earth as the Omega-Force which would be summoned to a champion after numerous grotesque offerings and sacrifices done by followers of the Red Light. The Champion would forgo his or her identity to become the conduit for the Omega-Force and bring destruction to those who would oppose the followers of the Red Light. Many times the force was called upon and then released by the will of the Omega-Force but at one point the Omega-Consciousness began to get tired of being summoned by the inhabitants of Earth every time they had a minor squabble so rather than simply leave after his purpose was complete the next time he was summoned, the Omega-Conciousness began conquering the various faction of primal Earth until all that was left was a small band of rebels that would likely pose very little threat to him. However this attitude was the Omega-Consciousness’s undoing as one of the rebels (having heard a voice from some ethereal plane of existence) constructed a spear from a rare element known only to him as Radion. With this spear the man managed to take down the evil dictator at the cost of his own life. [/hider] [hider=OMAC]In early 1981an ancient sanctum was discovered in the deep reaches of an African strip mine. In this sanctum was a complete history of a civilization written out in a language predating all others. This in of itself was an amazing discovery but the stories of the primal force that took out the enemies of the civilization were just as enticing to those in business of weapon development. While at first the stories were pushed aside as nothing more than tribal mumbo jumbo, upon discovering that this civilization and modern society had similar grasps on what was and was not possible and the showings of early science, those studying the civilization began to believe that the Omega-Force may actually exist. The information on the Omega-Force was sold to the highest bidder which happened to be the U.S. government whom promptly began working on a work around to the gruesomeness of the old sacrifices. With time and quite a bit of trial and error those working on the OMAC project were finally able to make a connection to the Omega-Force without any of the tribal practices that were once used. They unleashed the force on a rat which then proceeded to injure most of the staff and leave many in critical condition. After this horrific event, many of the researchers left the project but those who stayed began working on a way to filter out the influence of the Omega-Force while keeping all the power. Their solution was a repurposed AI that one of the scientists had been working on in their free time (which she named Gizmo) that would actively fight the influence of the Omega-Force and allow control over those effected by the Force. Now after nearly four decades of development the OMAC project has finally come to fruition and the OMAC AI is ready to serve the citizens of Earth in their struggle against evil.[/hider] [b]Notes:[/b] [hider=Darksied’s connection the the Omega-Force]While ultimately this is up to KL to figure out assuming he uses Darksied in the RP at some point, I’d imagine Darksied to be The Omega-Force’s longest conduit and not fully under the control of the Omega-Force and acting more like a Darth Vader to the Omega-Force’s Emperor Palpatine.[/hider][/hider]