[@The book of bad juju] That's actually an interesting proposition. But no. Unless you're playing PSY-frames and just immediately start playing on their turn. [quote=@Ryik] I'm considering joining this, but I'm not sure about some details and felt I should ask: 1. Is it alright if the character I make is [i]another[/i] member of Utopia House?[/quote] I'm typically not going to keep you out of a house just because there are a lot of people in it already. [quote]2. How much bullshit top-decking is to be expected during duels? The main post says we run by anime rules, but I didn't want to assume "every single draw."[/quote] Do you believe in the heart of the cards? [quote]3. Is it preferred for characters to have Solar Legacies or not? [/quote] Having a Solar Legacy is preferred. [quote]4. We're allowed up to three custom cards. Does that mean three custom cards per deck, or three types of custom cards? (9 custom cards total) [/quote] You start with 3. 1 of them is presumably your Solar Legacy. The other 2 can be whatever. [quote]5. Is there a discord or something for this RP? [/quote] I don't like discord because I'm typically never on it. [quote]6. Is this custom card balanced? [hider=Avici Lotus] Avici Lotus Level 8 DARK Plant Effect monster 0 ATK / 0 DEF Once per turn, during your end phase, if you control a level 1 monster on your side of the field, you can special summon this monster from your hand or graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you take no battle damage. During your standby phase, destroy all monsters on the field. When this card is destroyed, destroy all spell cards, trap cards, and level 4 or lower monsters in attack position, then take 100 damage for each of them. During the turn this card is destroyed, you cannot attack your opponent directly. [/hider] [/quote] I can see it being a neat tech in a Yang Zing or Fire King deck, but doesn't look too impressive otherwise. [@The book of bad juju] Fire High King Garunix OP pls nerf. It's really not that bad. An artifacts player might see it and go. "Hey. Free plus." Or someone could be crazy like me and tech in Starlight Road [s]or My Body as Swag[/s]. Though not off the second take because even though it doesn't get to use its 3rd effect off its 2nd effect, that's non-destruction removal which I don't agree with and in that aspect I prefer the first take. Out of the first take I'd either remove the graveyard effect or give it a more difficult summoning condition. Maybe make it once per duel. [@Satoshi Kyou] I've talked about this twice. Yes. Talking about the IRL meta game within the RP is going out of character and thus bad form. Don't do it. I don't really mind OOC chatter about it though. As in right here and not as a character. When I said no banlist though, the big thing I wanted to see was themed decks and like a majority of the player characters don't have themed decks. Gambling is nice, Madolches are nice, Zombies are nice, Dustons were nice. RIP.