[quote=@TheHangedMan] In all fairness, my highschool was bigger than the city hall and the attached police station. It was also recently upgraded to accommodate 8000 students with an additional sports complex 5 floors high with a swimming pool, basketball court, tennis court, and etc. It was a Christian all-boys private school when I started there, but it's been co-ed for about two years now. Kind of proud I was around for that particular phase - we may have been a Christian school, but fuck if the students weren't notorious for being complete retards in the most magnificent sense possible (Like that one time my batch got together on the football field and formed one gigantic dick on the field in order to greet a certain classmate of ours happy birthday . . . it was not one of our prouder moments) [/quote] thats huge. At my collage now we have 400 students not more.... and my high school had around 2400