[hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Altsoba%20Update_zpsmrjzomag.png[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mblprffCYp1qke7z9o1_500.gif[/img][hr][@Witch Cat] [@BlueSky44] [@Pundii] [@Nallore] [@Remipa Awesome][/center][hr][hr] [i][color=red][b]The Church:[/b][/color][/i] - Seems the Church is the place to be. Everyone who attempts to flee the Church will successfully get out. Aloise ushers Liam outside, barreling through a side exit just as Eudora enters through the front, and Seraphina escapes out the back with Hanson. Seraphina and Hanson will run into Darren, holding an angel blade, as he goes to sneak up on Lucifer. The rolls are with you--for now. Lucifer hasn't noticed Darren yet, or more likely, he doesn't care. Question is, will you risk it? Will you kill the devil or die trying? As Trevor runs outside, pushing past Eudora, he'll see Jade, the detective. She looks a little worse for wear, clutching an angel blade as well. She, along with Eudora, enter the church, walking right into the devil's line of sight. The devil, still wearing Amy Chang like a prom dress, twists his face into a smile. [color=red]"Eudora, my child...How good it is to see you...You always were one of my favorites,"[/color] Lucifer taunted, practically sashaying as he walked forward to meet the witch. He then turned, grinning even more darkly at Jade. [color=red]"And how did you escape hell, little one?"[/color] Lucifer asked, as the antichrist started playing with a knife in the corner of the church. Kids, right? They're so damn cute. Jade grimaces, clutching the angel blade in her hand a little tighter. Lucifer notices it, raising an eyebrow. [color=red]"You're here to kill me?"[/color] [color=339933]"Bitch, I might be,"[/color] Jade snapped. [i][color=red][b]Crypt Manor:[/b][/color][/i] - Belladonna scoops up Javier's head, holding him delicately in her arms. His blood drips all over her dress, and the ruby red liquid only highlights the paleness of Belladonna's cheeks. As Mercurial chains Javier's body to a post, in order to keep it from going away, Belladonna glances down at her husband slightly. [color=silver]"Oh dearest, just like our wedding night,"[/color] Belladonna practically purrs. Of course, as fun and romantic as everything is, Mercurial frowns. She moves away from Javier's body, crushing its fingers when it attempts to grab at her legs. [color=009999]"As much as the apocalypse is enjoyable, I am not quite ready for hellfire,"[/color] Mercurial says sourly. [color=009999]"You may detest me for this, mother, father, but I prefer the devils of humanity to this."[/color] Her eyes flash darkly, before she fetches her supplies.