[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Kuro-sensei ([@vancexentan])[/center] [center][h2]An internet cafe across the street from Ahnenerbe - 1:38 PM December 2nd, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]Albert blinked, stunned into wakefulness by the sudden intrusion. [i]Kuro-sensei?[/i] Yes, he remembered this man. One of his old professors back at the Clocktower, and one of the few he still liked (as well as the only person he, a short, pale French boy about as white as the snow, could ever get to call "sensei" without feeling a deep sense of shame). While he could never claim that they were friends necessarily, he did remember enjoying the time he spent in Kuro-sensei's classes. Perhaps it had something to do with his... unique sense of style and the fact that, in the Clocktower, they were both commonly considered outcasts. There was a certain kinship in that, insubstantial as it may be. As usual, the man's mouth moved about a mile a minute, and was louder than his Hawaiian t-shirt. Albert blushed but grinned quietly when Kuro-sensei mistook Berserker for his girlfriend. A natural mistake to make, for his irresistible French charms made him a natural at picking up women (or so he liked to believe even though his record at the Clocktower matched Kuro-sensei's description exactly). It was only with patience that Albert was able to find an opening to speak in what was so far a one-sided conversation. "Sensei, I zink you've got ze wrong idea 'ere," he said proudly but grimly. "Ma chère is... 'ow you say..." Without a better way to explain it (at least not one that he could think of), he removed the one fingerless glove he wore to show Kuro-sensei the patterned maroon splotches that now decorated his palm. They were a symbol of his status as a Master. Anyone remotely familiar with the ritual in which he was participating should recognize them. After showing him the Command Seals for a brief moment, Albert slipped the glove back on. "So zat's 'ow it is. I apologize if I am not able to introduce you properly, but I zink zat by ze same logic you will understand zat zere are zings I'm just not able to tell you about 'er, no? For now..." He thought about it a minute, then smiled devilishly. "... you may call 'er 'Furiosa'," he said with a grand flourish. "Or 'Roly-Poly', if you prefer." He invited him to sit. It occurred to him only a little too late that his sensei may in fact be a participant in the War himself, but the more he thought about that, the more he found it unlikely. Not many Masters would brazenly approach one another like this, not if they had any sense. Besides, his Servant was right here with him, already materialized. He had little to fear. And he trusted Kuro-sensei enough to believe that even as a fellow Master, he'd cut a former student some slack. At least the first time. [/hider]