[@FunnyGuy] [@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189] [hr][hr][center][url=http://www.craiglotter.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/cyphers-video-game-cosplay-trixie-by-korean-cosplay-miyuko-2.jpg]Picture[/url] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161202/e1c64081c2cccd6e436fc64e6fc381f7.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Kwan was very soon out of range of the little radio she carried not that it mattered to her because she was feeling almost drunk with her optical senses as she found she was able to perceive the normal world around her as if she were running through a slow motion scene in a mythic wuxia style and it was grand. When she passed by a huge patch of exposed earth that had been stripped for construction then left fallow which gave her an Idea. She mounted the camera she’d brought to take film of what she found during her run making sure by running out then back a couple of times before she got it balanced and focused on the right spot to film an experiment she conducted. Kwan assembled her thoughts and mapped out her movements using a trick she’d learned as Little Whirlwind. It was a real personal movement that was a cross between an Ice Skater and a Ballerina mixed liberally with the skill of her master trainer Uncle Monkey. So with such pleasant memories of the old man she coiled her body building up rotational force then releasing it in an explosive Left spinning back kick followed by a spinning right flip kick that was reversed by the left which was then reversed by the right and on and on, over and over she repeated the Whirlwind attack she was famous for. It was a tight circle she had practiced so often to maintain she could enter an almost Zen like state when she did it alone and with no target. People often asked her how she never got dizzy as she spun so rapidly and she could never explain why to those who asked; well not like they did and it was because of her Uncle Monkey who trained her from a child when he’d noticed she unlike the others didn’t suffer as badly from vertigo when performing stunts involving heights and or spinning. The old man had taken her as his disciple, cook, housekeeper, back washer and massage therapist but then it was better than the extra’s dorms; those kids did the grunt work and got paid less than her which was why she was so competitive. To lose her position because she didn’t devote herself was to fall socially and economically; to lose face the crime of exile if you were female. It was while remembering her past as she spun that Kwan noticed a shadow that came from above just in time to dodge a bird that resembled an eagle the size of a minivan which had slashed the air where she’d just been standing. Dust exploded from its wing thrust and Kwan’s sliding stop obscuring the area slightly in a red brown cloud. Then as the big bird stroked its way back into the sky Kwan scanned the sky to assure it was alone before focusing on the creature. [color=lightseagreen]Dam![/color] she says remembering the camera She wasn’t pleased by her delay in fetching the recording device but she made up by following the beast from beneath that the big brute took advantage of rolling over and diving at her which she dodged while giggling and shouting [color=lightseagreen]Olay[/color]