[center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/33p7a8k.png[/img][/center] [center][color=662d91][b]Kusari Bloodworth[/b][/color][/center] Kusari sat on the edge of her dorm's roof, her legs dangling precariously over the side. She had gotten up early to avoid dealing with her roommates. Christmas and Sander hadn't done anything to her, but she couldn't stand watching the two of them together. Christmas was being used, Sander pretended to play innocent but he was an enabler. She let out an annoyed sigh, choosing to instead focus on the scenery below her. As much as she despised the fact that she was being held against her will here, the campus was beautiful. The buildings had a simple modern aesthetic, the grounds were well maintained, and the trees exuded a calm, natural feeling. She wanted to sketch it. Her hands gripped the sides of her head, she felt as if a headache was about to assault her. The urge to draw was there, but where was the will, the motivation? A disposable tool of the government couldn't be an artist. She let out a heated breath, and lowered her hands. There was something else bothering her, the amount of guards in the school. Security had increased substantially, and she didn't know why. This couldn't be in response to the attack by the rogue Precursor, it was much too slow for that. Something had happened just recently. The door to the roof suddenly flung open, surprising Kusari enough that she nearly fell. [color=662d91]"Who the-... oh."[/color] She frowned at the guards pointing guns at her. She was becoming disturbingly accustomed to this treatment. [color=662d91]"A classroom? Oh right, this is supposed to be a school."[/color] She couldn't help but snark at the room she entered. Why this place even bothered to put up such a facade was beyond her. She looked around, and tried to put a name to each of the faces here. She couldn't quite remember the name of a few of her fellow students, but she recognized all of their faces. All but one, there seemed to be a new student among them. One boy was missing, however. Was that the reason there were so many guards? She'd heard one of them mention something about a cuff alarm going off. And a 'site...' Before she could think about it much more the orientation began. She took a seat behind a boy that, now that she thought about it had handed her part of her spine days ago. She didn't hold a grudge against him, but she couldn't help but get the impression that he had zero tact. A well put together man moved to the front of the room. By the streak under his eye she could see that he was a staff mage. [color=f7976a]"Good morning, beautiful young people,"[/color] He greeted them. [color=662d91]Annnnd I already can't stand him.[/color] Kusari narrowed her eyes as she listened to the man speak. She hated when people acted like this. Of course he had to put on a friendly front for them, but that didn't mean she had to like it. It felt fake and condescending. He then introduced a nervous woman behind him. She clearly didn't want to be here, and likely thought she was going to be killed by one of them. At least she was honest. Then Rosa walked in, and nearly broke Kusari. Fred was irritating, but this woman was an insufferable saccharine nightmare. Kusari watched this woman as if she were an exotic alien, both disgusting and intriguing. She felt stupid for thinking so poorly of Fred, this woman was the real psycho! She was only barely able to give a 'thanks' as her custom made clothing was handed to her. She hardly believed they would actually come through with them. Looking around, others had asked for far more ridiculous things. From dangerous weapons, to cute pets, it was as if they were trying to appease all powerful gods that could end them at a moment's notice. But they weren't gods, and they could be killed at any time. So why were they being treated so special? After Daisy left and Fred continued, she got her answer. They were an experiment. It seemed her paranoia about being test subjects had been right. She wanted to be mad, but the most she could do was grit her teeth and slouch in her chair. She barely paid attention to the classes, the work was beneath her anyhow. She was more interested in the combat training they would be going through. She needed to get stronger, to at least be able to prevent anyone else from dying. Soon enough it was lunch time. Now that she thought about it she was hungry. She left the room, and headed for the cafeteria. As she walked by students, she spotted Hazel sitting at a table. After taking some mashed potatoes and lobster, she sat down across from her. [color=662d91]"Hazel, right? How have you been doing since that battle?[/color] she asked, then scooping a spoonful of potato into her mouth. The food here was good, it ticked her off. [color=662d91]"By the way, you [I]have[/I] noticed that one of us is missing, right? I overheard one of those guards talking about it I think. They mentioned a cuff's alarm going off, a 'site,' and footprints. I think he was attacked, Hazel."[/color]