Isis and Artemis smiled at each other as they stuck the landing and starter packing up their gliders. "Man, that could have gone way worse, with a moving targeeeeEEHT!" Isis yelled as she tripped over one of the boards on the deck. Artemis laughed and retorted, "So you can jump from a thousand feet in the air onto a moving ship's deck, but you can't walk across that same deck. Smooth." as she helped her up. "Whatever, let's just go get the mission details and hope that nobody saw that." Isis replied, her cheeks turning red. Artemis loved toying with her sister, especially when it came to her flaws, because she knew that her strengths would cover her own flaws, and vice versa. They were so close that people said that they were "holding hands in the womb," and they worked well as a team. Artemis also enjoyed teasing Isis about not being able to find a boyfriend, something that she herself couldn't do, but didn't care [I]quite[/I] as much. She cared enough though. The two laughed and continued walking towards the center of the ship.