The troops grew silent as everything on deck rattled under the sustained fire of the temple's anti-air guns. The weapons, only suitable for shooting down starfighters were little more than white noise to the corvette's shields but it was, with the turmoil of atmospheric entry enough to shake the crew to the point of tripping a few of the men over. A sense of gloom had taken over the ship’s crew as the drop neared. Attacking a Jedi temple would have been no small task for a dozen Siths and a company of the Empire’s best troopers but they were not even close to those figures. Rathos was, in Sith tradition, a shameless glory hound in constant search of the next victory for him to claim credit for, the more perilous the better. In that spirit, their Dark Lord had scrambled his apprentices and a platoon of their planet’s local troops hoping this uphill battle and the massacre of the massacre of young initiates would be remembered as a turning point in the war. The last straw that would destroy the morale of the Republic and their Jedi. The three Siths however, stood in line at the edge of the loading bay unphased, seemingly immune to the tremors. Maegr reached for Arianna's hand. He spent most of the way down looking at her until the ship slowed and the bay's doors opened a good fifty meters off the ground. She was an anchor in the chaos of the warped and unnatural emotions induced by the drug that constantly flowed through his veins. Of all them anger dominated, anger at nothing and at everything that he came across. The violent impulses born from that rage, he had been relentlessly trained to give into to the point that no inhibition came to suppress the urge to kill. He often found himself cutting down those that stood in his way before he even knew of his own murderous intentions, a trait he despised in himself. Letting go of Arianna's hand he cranked a valve on the chest piece beneath his robes, patted Silas on the back with his other hand and jumped out of the ship sabres in hand. The rush adrenaline was a relief to the physical aches imposed by the Dark Side’s corrupting influence on the body and the drugs significant side-effects. The local planetary defence troops had entrenched themselves in front of the temple's sandstone walls. Mobile parapets and assault cannon nests had been set up. Barely more than a hundred men stood in defence of the holy site, scared and unprepared for an engagement of that scale on such short notice. Maegr, on his way down, opened his hand and pulled at his offhand sabre that promptly snapped into his. Raising it above his head he swung it into a throw that swooped across the enemy defence line cutting down several soldiers in its wake and hit the ground down on one knee with no impact, as if weightless. Not a second passed before his two comrades landed to each his sides in similar fashion. As the defence line was ready to wipe them out with more blaster fire than they could expect to deflect, the Ravenbeak tipped its nose towards the massed crowd firing a volley of green plasma with its earshatteringly loud anti-starship guns leaving nothing but smoke and molten metal afoot the walls. With this done, the ship stabilised and the Imperial troops rappelled down from its belly.