[hider=Hawk]Character Reimagined: Hawk Secret ID: Bethany Gravestone Age: 30 Powers: Danger Sense Transformation Claws Hypervigilant Flight Superhuman Durability Superhuman Speed Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Strength Accelerated Healing Weaknesses: Although when she is in her 'Hawk' form, she has superhuman durability. It isn't up to Superman standards. Meaning she can still be hurt by: over excessive beating, stabbing, shooting, weapons, etc. Bethany is a go getter, an extremely outgoing person willing to do anything to go get it. Well, in Bethany's case she absolutely means anything. Sometimes during a fight she can be over aggressive, and be blind to what she's doing. Personality: Bethany is ever so aggressive, and if she wants something, she not afraid to go out of her way to get it. She is impulsive to the extreme, usually not taking anyone's warning and diving head first in to any situation. She doesn't think too much about the consequences ahead of her. Bethany is a free spirit, and loves to live life at the fullest. She detests rules, seeing that there meant to be broken, and always in some way questions authority. Bethany is a very outspoken person. Not afraid to speak her mind in most situations; she likes to tell the truth how it is, whether it hurts someone's feelings or not, which leads her to be quite blunt, and sometimes saying things that aren't intended to hurt someone. Bethany is a relaxed almost zen person. But if she gets rubbed the wrong way, well, there's a reason she's 'chaos'. She has a strong tendency to hold grudges, and is more prone to give anyone who has made her mad the cold shoulder for awhile. The red head is a hero at heart, and goes out of her way to prove it. Her impulsive nature doesn't really help with her stubbornness, which again leads to some sticky situations. But she is courageous and brave, and is willing to do anything for the team. Bethany is very dependent on her brother Donald Gravestone. This usually leads her to believe that Donald will always be there for her to back her up. Appearance: [url=https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/846/846560-bigthumbnail.jpg]Civilian[/url], [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/1/14/Holly.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090905232637]Costume[/url] BRIEF Bio: Bethany and Donald were kidnapped by the mob to influence their father into finding a way to drop the charges against their boss. Their father dearly loved them but could not do it no matter what. So the mob came in and shot Donald. As they sat there tied up, Donald slowly dying begged God to save Bethany somehow before she could get shot, God didn’t answer but the Lords of Chaos and Order answered. The two transformed into Hawk and Dove and escaped. When they felt safe they merged into a single female being, Donald’s body was beyond saving and since he was the one to call out for help he got control of the body while Bethany still saw through her own eyes, and could talk to her brother in their shared mind she just couldn’t interact with the world unless she was Hawk. Notes: Bethany is very displeased about the situation and jealous of her brother getting control of her body.[/hider] [hider=Dove]Character Reimagined: Dove Secret ID: Donald Gravestone Age: 28 Powers: Danger Sense Transformation Claws Hypervigilant Flight Superhuman Durability Superhuman Speed Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Strength Accelerated Healing Weaknesses: No matter how smart, how resourceful, how intelligent a person is....even an agent of Order like Dove, there's always someone smarter. Though it isn't an easy feat to pull off, he can be out maneuvered from time to time. Although when he is in his 'Dove' form, he has superhuman durability. It isn't up to Superman standards. Meaning he can still be hurt by: over excessive beating, stabbing, shooting, weapons, etc. He is used to an opponent’s moves functioning like clockwork so if a person were able to fight with an erratic or chaotic plan of attack with no rhyme or reason he would have difficulty adjusting. Personality: Calm, cool, collected, and level headed are the words that best describe him, almost to a fault which might cause him to come across a bit on the snobbish side. In fact just the opposite is true. Deep down he would admit he might over think things, being afraid to make mistakes for fear of living up to the carefully sculpted reputation of his sister. Appearance: [url=https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/846/846560-bigthumbnail.jpg]Civilian[/url], [url= http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/4/45/Don_Hall.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100815211137]Costume[/url], [url= https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/ben_barnes_actor_brunette_man_handsome_18945_720x1280.jpg[/url]Former civilian appearance[/url] BRIEF Bio: Bethany and Donald were kidnapped by the mob to influence their father into finding a way to drop the charges against their boss. Their father dearly loved them but could not do it no matter what. So the mob came in and shot Donald. As they sat there tied up, Donald slowly dying begged God to save Bethany somehow before she could get shot, God didn’t answer but the Lords of Chaos and Order answered. The two transformed into Hawk and Dove and escaped. When they felt safe they merged into a single female being, Donald’s body was beyond saving and since he was the one to call out for help he got control of the body while Bethany still saw through her own eyes, and could talk to her brother in their shared mind she just couldn’t interact with the world unless she was Hawk. Notes: Donald is very displeased about the situation and kind of pissed at his sister’s jealousy. He would gladly switch places with her if he could. He finds is very disturbing to have the body he controls react to an attractive male when he is drawn to an attractive female.[/hider] [quote=@The Kid Lantern] It also kinda reminds me of Marvel's Starhawk. If you can make it work without it getting too confusing it should be good. ~KL~ [/quote]Never heard of Marvel's Starhawk. Now I have to look up Marvel's Starhawk. Reading the Marvel Database on the character is confusing one paragraph he is merged, another they are getting married and having kids, another he is merged, final paragraph he forced the merge again and was forced out of it.