[@Sho Minazuki][@I-Am-X] Akoni silently observed the two demons negotiating with one another. It would have been in his best interest to stop this alliance from forming, but he doubted that they could take on a general of Mundus as well as a Madamma and come out of it unscathed. Had the demoness known as Blair spoken of recruiting Enepsigos for the benefit of Mundus himself, then the old mage would have no recourse but to attack. As it were, Blair had an agenda of her own, serving Mundus out of convenience. So it was to Blair herself that Enepsigos agreed to ally with. Inwardly, Akoni smirked. Yes it would have been better to have them both outright slain, but under the circumstances and the associated risks, he'd settle for an unpredictable element that would cause Mundus headaches of his own. Besides that, the Madammas of Sheba's Inferno certainly were not saints, but Sheba respected the balance. As far as infernal spawn of evil went they could do much worse. [color=dodgerblue]"It was something of a pleasure meeting with you, Madamma Enepsigos,"[/color] he complimented, only half-sincere. [color=dodgerblue]"I am relieved that you are more or less innocent of the crimes here, but understand that the Charred Council seeks a restoration of the balance. Thus, a word of caution. Do not strike out against their interests. Enjoy yourself."[/color] He then turned to address Blair. [color=dodgerblue]"That goes to you as well."[/color] With his final thoughts out in the open, the two demonesses took their leave. The cathedral was now demon free, but there still existed the matter of that mist, and what it did to everyone here. Akoni drew out the grimoire he had collected in the crypt from his mini pocket dimension and opened it up for study. He had only figured out half of the story, and that was not acceptable. Perhaps the mist would dissipate on its own, perhaps it would not. It had been too late to save the residents but if he could spare any unlucky wanderers the same fate then he would do so. Then Fiameta spoke up. [color=dodgerblue]"Your assistance will be appreciated, though I cannot hope to gauge the level of hospitality that will be shown by the Charred Council if you return with Silas and myself. That said, the Demon Hunters Organization is always eager for fresh meat and your skills surpass the great majority of those little crickets. Where you will go... Is your own decision."[/color] He then turned a page, continuing his studies. Once he had a general understanding, Akoni realized that it would be time to return to the Charred Citadel. He had spent enough time on DHO business. Drawing a square in the air with his left index finger, a piece of paper materialized, already with words written upon it. The message was addressed to Lady of the DHO, and explained the general happenings that had occurred at the cathedral. With a wave of his hand, the paper folded up into an airplane and began to fly for its destination, seeking out Lady. [color=dodgerblue]"I believe it is time to take our leave of this corrupted place."[/color] The old man wasted no more words and stood up to his full height. He then left without ceremony, heading back to the Charred Citadel.