[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gtORSgh.png[/img] [h3][color=ffe4c4]DORAFRAKI GOLDION[/color][/h3][/center] Dora was pushed into the room with the others thanks to Juno’s blast, and unfortunately found herself impaled onto Ni-Mu’s spiked walls. Fortunately for Dora, damage to her physical body, while certainly impeding her fighting ability, wouldn’t kill her so easily. At least seven blades pierced Dora’s body, but after the blades were retracted she wasn’t any worse for ware. Instead of blood, molten metal leaked from her wounds only to solidify and heal into blacken scabs. [color=ffe4c4]”Tch. Shouldn’t do that too much.”[/color] Of course there was a limit to how much damage her astral projection can take before it vanishes and needs to reform, but so long as the hammer remains she can still be in a fight. Of course things didn’t get easier after surviving the run in with the wall. Hoho mentioned something about the cards coming into effect again, but she didn’t notice when suddenly a vision came to Dora. It was there that she saw this magnificent weapon. A hammer that could very well turn the tide of war. It was familiar. It was powerful. It was Dorafraki, in her final complete form. This is what Dora would have been if she was completed. A weapon so powerful that Dora could match even Juno blow-for-blow, and possibly even the Deva herself. And the weapon was so close too. All Dora had to do was reach out and get it. Should she do it? Should she grab hold of it? This was her after all, her future. This was what she shall be once she had collected all the Thunder Stones in the world. But something felt wrong. This hammer was her, yes, this future Dora. But Dora herself was a craftsman. Even if she knew the glorious end of her journey ahead, she must walk the path herself. What sort of a masterwork smith would she be, if she simply took the efforts someone else had labored into? Even if it was herself she was stealing from. No doubt if Dora took this hammer now she could win this battle for the angels easily. Winning for the angels weighed heavily on Dora’s mind. But at the same time, she knew that in this tower, temptation would drive most people to do horrible things. Mucking with the future wasn’t something Dora could afford to do. She hated it, but she had to accept it, and did not take the hammer. Dora was thrown back to reality where the battles were still taking place. Iona had wrapped up the machina and most of the demonics forces looked to be dealt with, but none of the angels had made much headway either. She took immediate notice that Henry was about to get into one of the elevators, so Dora intended to put a quick stop to that by smashing the ground in front of her, causing the floor to erupt into a wave of spikes that went to intercept Henry. Specifically, they headed straight towards the elevator and would get in his way even with his Gate there. Ideally he’d run right into them and impale himself, but just in case he didn’t Dora followed after to hold him back. [@floodtalon] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4B27bPA.png[/img] [h3][color=goldenrod]Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria[/color][/h3][/center] Like everyone else, Fran was in a good position to have been blasted into the room thanks to Juno’s attack. Also like many, Fran was impaled onto the spikes lining the wall. Her armor shattered most of the ones aiming for her chest, though a few managed to pierce her armor anyways, and she never wore a lot of armor to begin with. Pulling herself off the spikes she was shortly after greeted with a flurry of tendrils that smashed her in the body and face, pushing her back onto the spikes once more. A few even impaled her skull. And then a black ooze leaked from her mouth as a doppelganger was formed, who used her own Chains of Matrimony to pull Fran off the wall and into the center of the battlefield. Things would have ended for Fran right than and there were it not for the Empress card restoring Fran back to fully health. And that’s when she got to work. [color=goldenrod]”I’m back, bitches!”[/color] Her copy had made the mistake of coming after Fran directly with her axe. True, it’s totally something Fran would have done, but knowing fully well that she was fighting her doppelganger, Fran knew just how to fuck with herself. Instead of going axe-to-axe with her copy Fran was able to avoid the slash and give her doppelganger a quick kiss, sealing her in a simple illusion: She made Juno look like Fran, while the real Fran looked like Juno. This ought to trick the doppelganger, most so when Fran kicked her away into the wall. Unfortunately at this point the wall no longer had anything to impale her copy into, but that would just give Fran some time to work with. Things were getting pretty chaotic here, and no doubt a lot of people were going to die before they got into the elevators. Fran herself didn’t care very much for it but decided to get involved anyways. She went looking for that one angel who threw punches at her, spotting the big black dick not too far away. The succubus smirked and made a run for one of the doors, expecting him to try and intercept her. [@KoL][@Lmpkio]