[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TnT1qeD.png[/img] [h1][color=27FF79]Omega[/color] [color=purple]Sliske[/color][/h1][/center] [center][hider=BGM][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vigo-X7JpkE&list=PLJk2mw2kvnXWmXz6KWpBBwj7Wo7lkKWSO&index=8[/youtube][/hider][/center] It was Ruthria all over again, demon staring down spirit in what would surely end up in one of them dying. The question was, which one? Omega had the inherent advantage in being aligned with Heaven, though Sliske, for all intents and purposes, was at the height of his power. Range made no difference, one was a gunslinger and the other a mage, so the field was even as it could be. [color=purple]”Oh I was dead last time, but now…”[/color] Sliske’s left hand shot up from the ground, a shield of hardened magic covering his front to stop the shot Omega would likely try and take while he monologued. [color=purple]”Now, you don’t have any back up. The harpy’s gone, Tartys’ missing a wing, and you’re staring down a demon lord.”[/color] The incubus’ signature sword extended from his right arm, this time covered in a deep purple veil, warning the cowboy of a magical enchantment on the bone. [color=27FF79]”Funny, ya look more like a demon butler to me.”[/color] Omega retorted. He had hoped he could get the first shot in unhindered, but with the magic shield up now that option was no longer available. Instead he chose to use the time he’d get with their dialog exchange to aim his other revolver and give them both a good charge. In fact, the more he kept them talking the bigger charge he could get. [color=27FF79]”And yer one to talk. I don’t see any of your cohorts coming to yer side, unless you want to summon more of the waiting staff again? Ya know, since the others kinda fell to pieces.”[/color] The butler comment, as many could guess, was enough to piss Sliske off. He did hold his tongue though, letting Omega talk his way into a corner while his revolvers started to glow with angelic light. [color=purple]”I would flood this place with minions in a heartbeat and kill everyone, but that would just give Hohenheim some more toys. Now enough talk!”[/color] All of a sudden, the incubus’ left hand thrusted forward and sent the shield into the spirit, the caster following close behind with flames sparking in his now free hand. Acting fast Omega dove to the side avoiding the shield by mere inches. Standing from his roll he fired a single shot from his left revolver at the approaching demon but left the right to keep gaining power. Much like Sliske and his shield, Omega ran forward just after the bullet either ready to catch the demon off guard or get in close. [color=27FF79]”If you can summon as many minions as you claim, then why have we out numbered y’all 3 to 1 in nearly every battle? Seems to me you ain’t as good at bluffing as you think.”[/color] Sliske twisted to the right when Omega cracked off a shot, the bullet whizzing through where his heart had been seconds ago. In response to the spirit’s charge, he lifted his sword-arm across his chest to lock with one of the gun blades. He stared straight into the Greek letter that was his face, sneering at the cowboy. [color=purple]”Where’s the fun in walking in and dominating everything in sight?”[/color] He paused and chuckled to himself, the sparks along his left arm growing more intense. [color=purple]”That’s what I hate about you angels, always so serious, so direct. What happened to the journey mattering?”[/color] His left fist swung in from below, aimed for what would be Omega’s stomach. A fiery explosion would engulf them both and push them away from each other, given contact was made. Omega was disgusted by what he heard from the demon, though he wasn't surprised. [color=27FF79]”The journey?”[/color] he questioned before dropping one of his right arm to catch Sliske punch with his gunblade. As soon as the blade made contact a blast pushed the two apart giving Omega more time to finish his point of view. [color=27FF79]”The journey is [I]war[/I]! There ain't nothing fun about it! You demons might get your fix off killing and torturing, but death ain't something I'm keen on even if it has little meaning in this world.”[/color] Omega finished his rant with a few gunshots from his left revolver aimed at Sliske’s head and where it would be if he tried dodging. Sliske threw up another shield in response to the next volley of gunshots. It took the first bullet without issue, cracked under the second one, and shattered with the third, the same projectile continuing on and giving the incubus a wound in his right shoulder. He growled animalistically as blood began to run down his front while his left arm reformed itself, becoming a shadowy tentacle with properties similar to a rubber band. [color=purple]”Oh that’s where you’re sorely mistaken, this war is why we live! Admit it, for all the justice you represent, you’re scared of someone’s eventual victory.”[/color] With that, he drew back the boneless appendage that was his left arm and whipped it at Omega, the flesh stretching to reach him to make an attempt to wrap itself around his chest and pull him in. The shadowy tentacle was much faster than Omega anticipated and it grabbed him just as he tried to move out of the way. Being pulled towards Sliske Omega crossed his blades over the tentacle and severed it. Cutting the limp binding around his chest that remained he shook his head at the demon’s remarks. [color=27FF79]”Couldn’t be farther from the truth there. If my life has to end for the Nexus to see peace, then I’ll happily give it up. But until a day like that comes up I’m gonna spend it taking down murder happy psycho’s like you and the rest of yer kind.”[/color] Using the spears to his advantage, Omega fired a shot at Sliske baiting him to use his shield, then fired another shot aimed at a spear a angled toward Sliske, causing the bullet the ricochet off and go for his back. The incubus hissed as Omega cut the tentacle in two, his arm reverting back to normal with the exception of his hand, which was currently flopping about on the floor. At that point, he fell for the trap perfectly. The shield went up to cover his front from the first shot, though he realized his mistake too late as he heard the ping of a second bullet bouncing off a spear. While it had lost momentum from ricocheting, it was still enough to puncture his skin and bury itself in his lower back, earning a loud, pained hiss from the demon. [color=purple]”That might be true, but we’ll go down swinging harder than anything else!”[/color] Throwing caution to the wind, Sliske transformed his damaged arm into a heavy morningstar and went at Omega, swinging and slicing every which way to either cut something off or bash him into the floor. You’d never expect a summoner to have such strength, and neither did Omega. He crossed his revolvers to block the first attack, but found the force was more than enough to break his guard and slam into his side. The blow knocked the spirit to the ground grabbing at his side which now appeared wavy and distorted. Trying his best to ignore it for now Omega was forced to roll from side to side as to avoid Sliske as he pounded at the ground for the spirit. [color=27FF79]“If that’s how it’s gotta be.”[/color] With the next smash Omega grabbed the demon’s arm and pulled him close. The spirit jammed his right revolver that had been charging this whole time into the demon’s temple. [color=27FF79]”Then you can go to hell.”[/color] He finished before pulling the trigger. The top half of Sliske’s head was gone. No bits of brain, no bone, not even his eyes survived the shot tearing through his head. For a little bit, his body twitched as nerves fired, though it soon laid still, his arms reverting to their original forms slowly. As his conscience left his body again, Omega would hear a faint promise of vengeance before the incubus moved onto the dungeon, awaiting the recreation of a body in the same cell Miyu would be directed to. With the demon dead, Omega was the victor of this scuffle… and Iona wouldn’t have someone to toss in a jail cell back in Celestia. On the other hand, Hohenheim now had a shapeshifter to run experiments on, so which really was the worse fate? Pushing the limp body off of him, Omega stumbled back to his feet all the while still clutching his side. Though he was sure Sliske was dead, he did promise to make sure. Lazily aiming his gun he gave one last sentiment, [color=27FF79]”Till we fight again.”[/color] The spirit then fired three shots into the dead demon’s heart before limping away to the elevators. With everyone else occupied with their own battles or tarot card problems, Omega was able to slip past without anyone really noticing. Entering the bow elevator Omega pressed the button to send him up, tipping his hat to the other combatants just as the door closed to take him to the next floor.