[HIDER=YEMI][b]Name:[/b] Yemi Dumuzi [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Rank:[/b] Ensign [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mlsAftq.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Although she may not really look like it (unless she's smiling), Yemi is actually quite a sketchy young gal, capable of doing whatever is necessary to get what she wants (especially if it involves interesting gossip you've unwisely chosen to give her). She gathers juicy tidbits the same way workers on a vineyard gather grapes, storing them in her photographic memory for a day when they could be properly used. Information is her currency, and it is through the proper application of knowledge that she believes she can reach her paradise of a comfortable life. Thus it comes as no surprise that Yemi is actually quite the social butterfly. She finds it remarkably easy to talk to others, always seeking to form a connection with them so that she can grab herself some juicy info (even if you've become her friend, which does however reduce the likelihood of her ratting out your secrets somewhat), or simply because she's bored. It's easy for her to remember details about others, and combined with her joking manner and casual amicability, she seems like someone you can rely on ... or at least until your aims diverge from hers. Still, she's friendly and helpful enough (although prone to poking fun), even if she can be a pretty shifty person. Just try not to get in the way of anything that she views as profitable to her. When she finds something she wants, she'll stick to it to the very end, which is why she's a member of the Earth Federation Forces. Although not a person you would expect fighting to defend the Earth, Yemi actually has a strong connection to the EFF; she seeks to use it to propel her forward in life, and if it's fighting Zeon that will help her with that, she'll definitely do it. [b]Backstory:[/b] When the One Year War first broke out, Yemi initially served as a [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msv/ff-6.htm]Tin Cod[/url] pilot in the Earth Federation Air Force, intercepting any Zeonic troops that sought to make landfall on the planet. It was a dangerous duty, and she soon found herself risking her life far too much for her liking against the superior technology of the invading forces. Thus, she managed to charm and blackmail her way into transferring to a mobile suit, ending up in one of the newly-produced GM Cannons that the Federation were using to counter Zeon's Zaku IIs. She would fight at the successful defence of Jaburo, repelling the invaders in her GM Cannon, and also joined up with one of the Federation attack forces that sought to retake California Base. From there, she was able to convince her superiors to assign her to one of the newly-built Pegasus-class assault carriers. Thanks to the connections she had made, she was also able to request spare Guncannon parts for her personal use, working with the engineering teams to customise the RX-77-2 into a machine that integrated as much of its successors' improvements as possible. The 'Guncannon Custom' was something she rapidly grew to love, and she found it far more easy to pilot, especially thanks to the Core Fighter that was similar to her old Tin Cod. [b]Other:[/b] She has a smiley face emblem prepared for if she ever made ace. --- [b]Model Number:[/b] RX-77-2(C) [b]Designation:[/b] Guncannon Custom [b]Original Model:[/b] [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msgundam/rx-77-2.htm]RX-77-2 Guncannon[/url] [b]Features:[/b][list][*]Core Block System w/ [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msgundam/ff-x7.htm]FF-X7 Core Fighter[/url] [*]Specialized targeting sensor suite for beam cannon, mounted on left shoulder [*]Sensors - Range: 7300m [*]Armor - Luna titanium alloy[/list] [b]Fixed Armaments:[/b][list][*]2 x 60mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head [*]Beam cannon, mounted on right shoulder[/list] [b]Armaments:[/b][list][*]BOWA·XBR-L beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap [*]10mm machine gun [*]Balzac 380mm rocket bazooka [*]MIP-B6 cracker grenades, stored in optional grenade rack on left hip armor[/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Although possessing the basic frame of the RX-77-2, the Guncannon Custom is, as its name suggests, a heavily modified variant of the original mobile suit. This is particularly obvious in the construction of the navy blue machine's upper body, where instead of the traditional Guncannon head unit, it instead possesses the head of the [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/0080/rx-77d.htm]Guncannon Mass Production Type[/url]. Only one beam cannon is mounted on its right shoulder, while a sensor suite is mounted on the left, a radical change to its design that was originally a feature of the [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msv/rx-77-4.htm]Guncannon II[/url]. Its armor, although not noticeably different, has been retooled somewhat as well, particularly in the shoulders, which show that the unit has integrated some aspects of the [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msv/rx-77-3.htm]Guncannon Heavy Custom[/url] into its design.[/HIDER]