[Center][H2][color=662d91]---Shor Ehm---[/color][/H2][/Center] Annoyed by yet another intruder on this conversation, as well as having already found the group too big, Shor moved over to Kubo and gave him an intimidating glare. "Who're you even? Rather, why do you think you can just come frolic over here and tag along? With Riss, the group's already bigger than it should be, anyway." "And what's with the listening in on us? No way you should have heard us with all the noise these lunatics were making." Shor took a deep breath and turned to the others. "Know what, why don't we split the group in half? With one team of three and a team of two we should be able to move around faster, plus it should make dividing the spoils a lot easier." Turning back to Kubo, she continued. "--And that way you could even tag along, you could even pick what team you want to be on." "So, I was planning on heading out to the mines to gather some metal reagents, anyone tagging along?" Shor asked, her body language showing she wasn't willing to allow anyone to object to the split.