[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/34snhpf.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alice Liddle [b]Real Name:[/b] Alice Liddle [b]Age:[/b] 29 (frozen at age) [b]Personality:[/b] Because of her time in Wonderland Alice began to suffer from the madness of the world, forming a split personality. She is psychotic, taking joy in disemboweling anyone that pisses her off. Alice possesses a sort of infectious insanity, causing many to experience a level of fear in her presence. She has little respect for any of her fellow villains, and with the full powers of Wonderland coursing through her its a wonder why she even allies herself with them. Whatever it is that The Enchantress has over Alice to force her in line is a secret kept by the two. [b]History:[/b] Alice Liddle was born on earth in the 1800s. As a young girl she stumbled upon a gateway to Wonderland and the FairyTale lands. What really happened during her time there is something that Alice holds closely. Only that when next she returned to Earth she was a grown woman, driven mad by what she saw. Alice spent many years being chased as she unleashed a violent killing spree across Europe before finally returning to the gate that once took her to Wonderland. It was on this second trip that she became bounded to the powers of Wonderland, and came into possession of the legendary Vorpal Blade. She was soon drawn into the company of the Enchantress, working to subjegate all of the FairyTale lands. [b]Roleplays In:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/15845/posts/ooc?page=6]Reality Vs Fiction[/url]