[center]Lila Cyn [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/or5xlz.jpg[/img] Playby: Emilia Clarke[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lila Cyn [b]Alias:[/b] Mockingbird [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Species:[/b] Echani [b]Homeworld:[/b] Eshan [b]Affiliation:[/b] None [b]Hair:[/b] White [b]Eyes:[/b] Silver [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Lock Picking[/*] [*]Pickpocket[/*] [*]Acrobatics[/*] [*]Parkour[/*] [*]Stealth Movement[/*] [*]Slicing[/*] [*]Holo-Forgery[/*] [*]Information Gathering[/*] [*]Echani Art[/*] [/list] [b]History:[/b] Born into the Echani royal family, Lila was the eldest daughter of the then king of Eshan. During her life on her homeworld Lila was trained like all Echani in the martial arts that so shaped her species culture. She was also taught many things that would come to be invaluable to her future, including artistry, computer sciences, diplomacy, and logical thinking. When Lila was thirteen her life ended as an Echani princess when a coup invaded her famiy's palace. Unknown at the time, one of her father's generals had made an alliance with the rebels for the throne. Unable to withstand the might of the rebels and Echani Army her father and his supporters were finally captured and executed. Lila had only survived her family's murder because she'd been off world at the time. When the news reached the young girl on Coruscant Lila's tutor hide the girl away in a safehouse in the lower city before disappearing herself. With no resources and on a strange world Lila was forced to use all of her skills to adapt to her new life. She stole to survive, becoming one of the best pickpockets in Republic City by the time she was fifteen. Her growing skills did not go unnoticed however, coming to the attention of a Master Thief known as Mockingbird. Lila had heard the legends of the one known as Mockingbird, a face dancer who had lived for thousands of years. Being taken under the thief's wing to be trained Lila learned that Mockingbird wasn't one person, but a long line of Master Thieves spanning over generations. It did not take long for Lila to realize that she was being groomed as the next Mockingbird. During her training she learned to turn her skills in art into the best holo-forgeries in the core. She also traveled for the first time into the outer rim, becoming familiar with worlds controlled by the Underworld. By the time she was twenty-five Lila had become the most demanded forger and slicer in the criminal world. She also began to make a name for herself as an information broker, making a small fortune selling secrets to both the Republic and CIS. Shortly after the beginning of the Clone War the former Mockingbird finally retired, bestowing the name and all of his resources to his protege. As Mockingbird her identity was now a danger and she was forced to keep her life separate from the alias.