Hey, kinda interested in joining this. How about this character? [hider=Form] Name: Tennouji Maria Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Human Appearance: [url=http://imgur.com/a/RqpMv]Long wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, looking very princess-like[/url] History: Maria was born to a mixed race couple, one being Japanese and one being British. This leads her to become quite popular in her school as she has those foreign features with her. Her also being a model student certainly doesn't help things, leading her to receive titles like "The Princess" Personality: She is quite a serious and calm person, preferring to analyze the situation first before rushing in. She's also pretty introverted, preferring the company of her books over that to other people, which is why her popularity in her previous life can be quite a bother to her. She is the kind of person that wouldn't bother associating with someone whom she finds distateful. Abilities : Her new body fully transforms her into looking like a princess, complete with a fancy dress. Of course, this makes her not really suited for physical, up close combat. But she is given a magic book where it allows her to cast basic magic spells right away. And the book also allows her to learn spells faster than usual. Equipment: The Book of Magic. The book itself is quite heavy and sturdy, allowing Maria to use it as a blunt weapon if she chooses to. However, it's real power is to teach her magic spells without her needing to find a mage to study from. It also allows her to cast some basic spells without her really understanding them, just so she can fight right away early on. Other:[/hider]