[center][color=aqua][h2]Tora Azure[/h2] - Zephyr Strip || Train Station- [/color][/center] [hr] [color=aqua]"Congratulations on the Honedge and Bounsweet's evolution."[/color] Tora said with a smile, turning to look at the Steenee and smiled a little more warmly. [color=aqua]"And congratulations to you Steenee. You grew up to be quite lovely."[/color] she complimented, Archie barking in agreement, circling around the grass Pokemon and sniffing curiously. [color=aqua]"A Scraggy mhm? A nice Pokemon catch Mr. Weiss. I caught the Riolu and Shinx so they didn't get hurt by the Rotom."[/color] she said before letting out her two newest additions. The Riolu blinked a bit, looking around before gazing up at the trainer curiously. The Shinx however tilted his head, giving Tora a bored expression before perking up at spotting Archie. Golden eyes seeming to just pop out like hearts before bounding over and giving a loud purr. [color=yellow]"Shin Shin Shinx Inx!"[/color] He chirped cheerfully, sounding a bit boastful and flirty. For a Pokemon at least. The Growlithe however just turned her head to look at him, giving the electric cat a unimpressed expression before giving a snort. A speck of flame flicking out from her nostrils as she snorted and lighting a bit of fur on top of the Shinx's head. Giving a screetch, the blue black cat flailed his paws against the flame to put it out. The Riolu just rolled her eyes, pressing her paws against her forehead as if double facepalming. [color=aqua]"Awe Archie, he must be thankful for you saving him and Riolu so bravely."[/color] Tora chuckled, Archie just rolling her eyes in response. Taking out her Pokedex, she listened to it rattle over the two Pokemon. [color=7ea7d8]"Shinx, the Flash Pokémon. When it senses danger, the hairs on its body light up and it runs away, leaving its opponent dazed. Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon. Riolu has the power to see and understand emotions like happiness and anger in aura waves."[/color] The Pokedex chirped. [color=aqua]"Mhm names... I think I'll call Shinx, Orion. And Riolu, Ria."[/color] she hummed happily before looking to the others. [color=aqua]"So is there anything you two would like to do? Explore? Rest for the night?"[/color] she asked curiously. Watching as Orion continually followed Archie around who irritably padded away from the clingy feline, while Ria tried pulling on the electric cat's tail as if in a attempt to stop this embarrassment. [hr] [hider=Notes] +1 post +1HHG = 26 + 3 Sunset= 29 +1CP = 46 Pokemon Team: [list][*]Archie the ♀Growlithe: Level 12(LVL UP+1 Sunset=13)/Healthy [*]Sirius the Staryu: Level 4/Healthy [*]Pezi the ♂Skiddo: Level 4/Healthy [*]Cairn the ♀Onix: Level 2/Healthy [*]Ria the ♀Riolu: Level 1(LVL UP+1 Sunset=2)/Healthy [*]Orion the ♂Shinx: Level 1(LVL UP+1 Sunset=2)/Healthy[/list] [hider=Pokemon Reserves] [list][*]Rachni the ♂Venipede: Level 2/Healthy[/list][/hider] Inventory: 3x Pokeball 1x Potion 3x Rare Candies -Continued interaction with [@ToadRopes]'s character Juana. -Continued interaction with [@Dusksong]'s character Cillian.[/hider]