A brown-haired woman with bright blue eyes and her brother, a young man with blonde hair and bright eyes, introduced themselves as Belasý and Izkry. Or, rather, Izkry introduced them both. Belasý did not seem very talkative. Izkry conversed with Jean for a few moments, and there was a slight tension in the air as Belasý lifted her head to give Jean an intense stare. It was rather subtle, but Ying-mei noticed it nonetheless. Like Belasý, she was more on the reserved side, and as such, Ying-mei tended to take notice of the little things. A shaggy-haired man spoke up. Ying-mei could not quite place his accent. [i]Modern-day...fairy tale? How is this a 'fairy tale' in any way, shape, or form?[/i] thought Ying-mei, bewildered. Chinese legends involved dragons and the heavens and magic, not a bumpy truck ride and then jumping out of a plane (though Ying-mei supposed that there was 'magic' in her world as well, if their abilities could be counted as that). And Western fairy tales were not like [i]this[/i] either. [i]I am somewhat familiar with western fairy tales, yes, and they almost always involve a princess and a prince and a curse or spell. I do not see how our current circumstances pertain to fairy tales...?[/i] Ying-mei let it go. She was only thinking about it in such depth so that her mind would be distracted from the fact that she was about to [i]jump out of a plane[/i]. Besides, the others had already moved on to other topics of conversation. The loquacious Spanish man had taken out a bottle of water, and he was now manipulating the water to form different shapes until he'd created...popsicles? [i]What on earth are popsicles?[/i] In any case, his carefree air made Ying-mei smile softly. It was a nice bit of lightheartedness in the otherwise bleak atmosphere. Izkry mentioned that his sister was an "excellent marksman", which caused Ying-mei to arch an eyebrow slightly. [i]At home, and even in America, a woman using a weapon was practically unheard of. Imagine...imagine how improper it would have been in Shanghai, if the women had walked around with guns! I understand that she has abilities like us, but I never imagined...although I suppose I should have expected this. I am fairly certain that Maria is well-versed with firearms as well.[/i] Ying-mei was jolted from her thoughts when the Spanish man's "popsicles" crashed to the ground as Belasý almost imperceptibly twisted her hands. A small frown formed on Ying-mei's face. [i]Why is she so angry? Izkry's sister seems a bit on the sensitive side, that much is apparent. I wonder how someone of her temperament would fare amongst the social circles in Shanghai, let alone in Nazi-occupied France.[/i] Her brother said something to her in a language that Ying-mei could not understand. Then, Maria suggested that they 'demonstrate' their powers and mentioned that she was a mind-reader. She turned and addressed Ying-mei directly. "Ah, Ms. Liu is it? I'm sorry, I know there is some naming convention used by the Chinese that I am not familiar of, but I hope Ms. Liu shall suffice. Did you get the new drugs? I hear they've been amazingly effective for treating soldiers a bit more on the... Friskier side. I'm not sure if you could cure it on your own, but best not to take unnessacary chances, eh?" Ying-mei inclined her head slightly. "Ms. Liu will suffice, yes, although from now on I suppose I am Sylvia Wang," answered Ying-mei. The side of her lip twitched at the mention of the new drugs, though it was hard to tell if it was from amusement or irritation. "And I have indeed received the new drugs, and you are right. Better safe than sorry," she murmured. She cast her eyes around the back of the truck. "It is a pleasure to meet you all," she said. Ying-mei flinched at the sirens wailing in the distance. It seemed like they had almost arrived to the plane. The Spanish man introduced himself as Oscar Guijara, and proceeded to provide the group with a false identity-Tony Bamanaboni. Ying-mei mentally reminded herself that Maria herself would now be going by Marie Dubouis. She remembered that Izkry had said that he was going by Izaak Meyer, while his sister was going by Mieli Meyer. The blonde man with spectacles said that he would be called Tommy Ashwell. The young girl who was even smaller than Ying-mei introduced herself as Kazia Andrysiak. Anna Slaski would be her alias. Ying-mei could not help but to notice how her voice seemed to change in the middle of the sentence. [i]Perhaps that has something to do with her abilities?[/i] Izkry told the rest of them that his sister did not talk very much (which was obvious without him saying) and that she was able to control water. To show the group what he himself could do, Izkry lifted up his fingers, thin sparks dancing in the air between them, saying that he possessed "an affinity for electricity and machines." Ying-mei decided that she would speak up. "In terms of demonstrating my...abilities...I am afraid that there is not much I can demonstrate at the moment," she began haltingly. "I...I am-[i]was[/i]-a nurse in America before I was with the OSS, and my abilities involve healing." There, that should do it. It wasn't like there was an open wound readily available to heal at the moment, anyway.