Jason sat in moderate silence as he took in the conversations being thrown round the truck. He couldn't help but chuckle at some of the antics from the Spaniard, though he did worry somewhat about the apparent nervousness of the man. It could be bad going into enemy territory with someone unprepared. Jason at least had an idea of the landscape, some knowledge of local cultures, and it's not like anything could hurt him anyway so long as he paid attention. Looking around, Jason found himself worrying slightly about remembering all these people. He'd grown up with many faces around, but he'd seen all of those since birth, that was second nature. These strangers, their names, aliases, powers... He'd have to work hard to keep it all in his mind. Oscar/Tony; control of water. Tommy, the Englishman. 'Bel'/Meili and her twin whos' name Jason had missed; more water control and electricity. Kazia/Anna; something was strange about her voice, but no power seemed forthcoming. Lui/Sylvia; some kind of healing. A lot to take in, and that wasn't even everybody. Jason jumped a bit, startled as the ice popsicle crashed onto the truck's floor beside him. Chuckling, he reached down to pick up a larger piece, lifting his bandana to pop it into his mouth and bite down with a refreshing and satisfying crunch. He looked up from his seat on the floor to the conversation happening above and waved slightly. [color=92278f]"Well, now that ye all've had your turn, I suppose it's my go, eh? Jason Graves fer the purposes o' this trip. Dependin' on how far we get an' how deep undercover we hafta go, I might also by ze name of Jason Tombe,"[/color] He said, slipping into a passable French accent; [color=92278f]"Or even Johan Graben if ve enter Deutschland." [/color]He said, finishing off with a German accent. [color=92278f]"Though if ye need to get my attention, Jason'll be jus' fine. As fer what I can do... Well it's a toughy to explain, but I s'ppose I can sum up with 'Ye try to hurt me, I hurt ye back twice as hard.'"[/color] He said with a wink barely visible through his goggles. [color=92278f]"Now, I heard somthin' about cards or music? I play both, what're we up to fellas?"[/color]