[center][img]http://cdn-static.sidereel.com/tv_shows/29183/giant_2x/78857-10.jpg[/img][/center] You have been accepted to take a part of the new Chunin Exams in the Hidden Leaf Village. The rules have changed from the traditional rules. You are not required to take the test as a squad unless you so chose to. The rules were changed in order to create more of a challenge because your own ability will be judged for the chance to make it to the third exam to become a Chunin. Enter the exam...if you dare... [i]I know this is unlike the traditional Chunin exams from the Anime but I thought it would be interesting to change things up. This will not have any of the main characters but they can be descendants of the main characters if you are a fan of a particular clan. I plan on having it so a good number of people make it to the final exam but some people may not pass and end up having to watch from the stands. You are able to be from any Hidden Village even the Sound Village (keep in mind this is way past Orchimaru). I will be accepting as many characters possible before making the IC. You can have up to 3 characters but no more then that. If you have three characters they can not be in a squad though, that would be unfair to another person if they were attacked by three people at once. Please read the rules blow.[/i] [u]Rules:[/u] 1. No GOD MODE!! You are Genin rank...you can't be too overpowered even if you have a Kekki Genkai. 2. No controlling or killing another persons character with out their permission. This can get you kicked from the story 3. NO BULLYING!!! I have a Zero Tolerance policy to online bullying in every shape way and form. 4. What the GM and Co-Gm's says goes. If they ask you to change something, please listen to them. 5. Keep romance PG-13. If you want a romance between different characters, take it to a PM please. 6. Cursing is okay as long as its not too much. 7. Have fun! 8. Please place character sheets in the CS tab and in a Hider to make it easier to check them. When you are accepted I will add you to the first post of this OOC. 9. Once you have read all the rules please place "Fighting Dreamers" in your character sheet. [u]Character Sheets:[/u] Name: Clan: If any Village: Age: 15-19 Appearance: Anime accepted (please no descriptions if you can help it) Abilities: What is your special move/Kekki Genkai/what are you limited to (Like if you can only do Taijutsu) Weapons: Not too many please Personality: Back Story: Paragraph plus please Family: If you have any and if they are Ninja's what are their ranks Other: Welcome to the story and I hope you all have a great time!!!