[color=ed1c24][b]Berserker[/b][/color] Internet Cafe, 1:44PM Interacting with: [@Turboshitter] Albert Prelati, [@VanceXentan] Kurosaki Akabane [hr] Last night’s inquisition unfortunately ended without incident. A great disappointment, definitely, but in a way, it suited a Saracen snake to slither off into some cold, dank hole somewhere to worship their false prophet. She would have to have faith that divine justice would be wrought, whether by her hands or by another hero of great honor. Fortunately, great faith was the core making of a paladin. And thus, with the night wasted, they returned to the hotel - now clean due to the heroic efforts of the room-service workers and their armory of cleaning supplies. Even the shattered window had been resealed once more, which was unexpected, but it seemed that a penthouse came with a suitably valuable work ethic. Yet even as the night wound down and her Master lay still, Berserker upheld her vigil, watching and waiting, but not for Assassin. A Servant required no rest, so such a thing would be a waste of time, and wasting time invited time to waste her. More literally in this case; the Grail War typically came with a two-week timer. Perhaps it would be extended with the involvement of a far greater quantity of heroes? Still, it was not a chance Berserker was willing to take. But what Berserker, left to her own volition in the middle of the city’s most vibrant district, was unknown to all but herself. What was known, was simply what was observed after the fact. Seated at the computer next to her Master, Berserker stared intently at the screen. To her side was a notepad and pencil - both courteously provided by the Hyatt. On the pad was a titled list, most of its important identifying qualities obscured by Berserker’s elbow and peculiar shorthand notation. Green and red flashes were reflected in the woman’s eyes as she watched the figures and streaks on the screen’s darkened backdrop. [color=ed1c24]“Mm yes, he did show up and now they’re dueling, but as equals this time. Quite interesting indeed...”[/color] she answered absent-mindedly, not at all paying attention to Ahnenerbe. Her Master’s legion of insects could deal with that sufficiently enough, and engaging her spiritual senses would cover the rest. Her physical senses were unnecessary, and so turned towards her own purpose. For a few moments, the figure of the newcomer lay in Berserker’s peripheral, but she paid him no mind. Clearly he would be more interested in her Master, or so she assumed. That is, until she saw him awkwardly smiling at her. “Oh, apologies. I hadn’t noticed you,” Berserker admitted, taking off her headphones and revealing the muffled sound of an orchestra and electric humming. She turned back to the screen, moved the mouse, and clicked. This put a stop to the sound for the moment. [color=ed1c24]“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir.”[/color] She didn’t hear his name, so that was what she defaulted on. [color=ed1c24]“Anyway, I’m sure you boys have important things to speak of so...”[/color] She placed the headphones back on, and resumed her vigilant watching. At the same moment Albert mentioned something about “‘eazens”, Berserker gasped. Not because of Albert’s suggestion that she’d willingly step foot into the pit, but apparently because she was taken aback by what was unfolding on her screen. This time red on green was replaced by arcs of blue. Getting over her own shock, she leaned forward in the seat, completely and utterly engrossed. A time passed, until suddenly she cast off the headphones, iconic credits music playing at full volume. She looked almost about to sob as she sat there, staring into the ascending credits. She sniffled, lifted her elbow, and scribbled off the title of the series from her list. [color=ed1c24]“I need a moment,”[/color] she mumbled, reflecting on what she’d seen before sobbing grossly into her arms. [color=ed1c24] “L-Like his father before him… I can’t believe... Even...” [/color] A few more moments passed until she composed herself once more. [color=ed1c24]“What... What were we doing again?”[/color] she said, getting out the last few sniffles out of her system. She looked at Kuro’s hand, pointed at it, and looked to Albert. [color=ed1c24]“Something about blood testing right? Are we cutting it off or?”[/color] She looked at the crowd watching them, her addendum to that comment unspoken, but obvious. [color=ed1c24]"...Did anyone important show up at the cafe?"[/color]