[@Menhir] As in attack and defense points? As far as those go, no monsters have attack/defense values that aren't in the tens. Once that and the effect damage is lowered, you're free to put your character in the character tab. [@dragonmancer] I don't get what Scarifer's always on about because seriously who runs Totem Dragon? Now, Keeper of the Shrine on the other hand... But I digress. It's a decent field wipe I guess. There are a few things that I'd do to balance it. Maybe make it so that it only destroys monsters with attack less than it does like Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend? Or maybe with defense less than its attack like Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning? Maybe it's a walking Heavy Storm? Sorry to say, I might be biased against your cards because I personally in my own opinion think that the game has way too many dragons to the point where every other deck has a dragon as its boss, including Rex Raptor's dinosaurs, which have always had dragons as bosses (Red-Eyes and Tyrant Dragon). Then there's Jurracs and Evols which are also dinosaurs with dragon bosses. But hey. Maybe the new structure deck won't have a dragon in it at all. Though now that I've looked it up, apparently the majority is actually warriors and among those the majority is HEROes.