[center][h3]Brittanium City - Halogen Mall Underground[/h3] Thieves [@Amaterasu][@TalijaKey][@itano123][@I-Am-X][/center] While Ruby and her friends were at her house, something was going on under the Central shopping mall. It was only somewhere past lunch time currently, there were some men in uniforms moving things out of trucks. Labels were all somewhat unassuming and matched what would be in the shopping mall, like stock for certain stores. One of the men nodded to the other, with affirmation they broke open the boxes, and inside were some heavy duty equipment, looked like a computer, but it had some shady elements added to it. Some guards stepped through the doors, before collapsing to the ground, behind them were Team Arclight members in uniform. [i]"Alright, coast is clear, we can begin the operation"[/i], announced one of them. [i]"Alright, this is a simple acquisition, the Lady up top wants more funds for her research, so she's sent us out to get some. Security here is pitiful, we'll first establish a connection to the building's network directly, and before plugging in we'll cut the power and then connect, then we'll start the hack. Once we're in we can clean out every store here within moments, and then get out. Ideally we want to keep the computer, but should we have to leave it behind, just fry it with your electric Pokemon. Power room should be up above somewhere, and an access point for the network should be just through those doors over there. Understood?"[/i], the officer's orders and plans were quite sound, everyone responded with a resounding 'roger', before getting to work. A few Arclight members still in disguise went up into the mall proper on their way to the power room, while the rest kept watch on every entrance and exit to the underground loading bay. [hr] [center][h3]York Grevillia Amalgam University[/h3] [@floodtalon] NPC: [@Amaterasu] GM: [@I-Am-X][/center] Their meeting with this nurse was followed by pleasantries, pretty soon though the main hall was open, or rather, the time for it to open had come. Upon arriving there, they saw as classes of students coming from some of the buildings poured in, and they trailed in behind. The circular viewing hall was filled up, and in the centre they could see a fossil, as well as the fossil-reviving machine. After some tense minutes, they found themselves seated and waiting in anticipation, as everyone in the hall watched a [url=http://i.imgur.com/D6SH4Z1.jpg]professor[/url] walk through the doors at the bottom. After some tense moments, he began to speak. [color=green]"Welcome everyone, gentlemen and gentle ladies, today Amalgam University would like to present a public demonstration of the latest in fossil revival technology, that I, Jonathan, have been working on"[/color], the fossil machine has been something common in almost all the regions, though what's unique about Chromis' is how quickly it works, being almost instant. The demonstration was to show exactly this, as seeing as believing. This isn't the first time they've had this demonstration, they tend to have it around once a month or more. [color=green]"Here we have a Jaw Fossil, excavated recently from the area surrounding the Zamak Ruins proper. Once I activate the machine, this Jaw Fossil should transform into a healthy young Tyrunt"[/color], he announced. He stepped over to the machines controls, after hitting a few buttons the machine began to make sounds as if charging up. The machine itself was like a ray gun, coupled with a table that detected the fossil. Sure enough after a few moments, the Jaw Fossil began to shine and glow, eventually completely overtaken by light as the ray gun-like part of the machine poured something like an energy into it, and pretty soon, curled up in a ball on the table was a Tyrunt, asleep. The crowd either cheered or took in the cuteness of the little dinosaur Pokemon sleeping. [color=green]"As you can see, it is almost as seamless as evolution... Now then"[/color], the professor gently cradled the Tyrunt and then placed it on one of the spare tables, letting it sleep there. [color=green]"Bring in the next sample"[/color], he ordered.