[h1][i][b][Centre]RYZIN[/Centre][/b][/i][/h1] [Centre]AMALGAM UNIVERSITY[/Centre] Upon resting up nurse Joy comes out with Dm, [Color=HotPink]"Excuse me sir your pokemon is ready"[/Color], Ryzin walks over, [Color=Yellow]"Thank you nurse Joy, hey Dm you ready?"[/Color], Dm nods and jumps off the counter, she looks at Ryzin does a little flex and points to the door. [Color=Yellow]"Oh, wow you're pumped, say while you were with nurse joy i saw a few people running past, they said something about a fossil, we should go check it out sounds kinda interesting don't ya think"[/Color]. Dm claps and starts walking out.[Color=Yellow]"HEY! wait up..."[/Color] Ryzin and Dm walk around following the crowd going to the university stadium, upon entering the crowded hall they notice a professor of some importance, A table with a little dinosaur looking pokemon catches there eye. [Color=Yellow]"WOAH! that is cool, Dm jump on my shoulder have a look at this"[/Color]. Dm looks with interest tapping Ryzin on the head with wide eyes, [Color=Yellow]"I've never seen one before either, see this is why I need a pokedex, the old man said they are quite handy, now i believe him".[/Color] Then they hear the professor announce to bring in the next sample.[Color=Yellow]"Next sample? mmmmm interesting indeed"[/Color].