[hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/e861rPj.jpg[/img] [/hider] Character sheet: Name: Marianne Silverflame Age: 20 Race: Human Appearance: She looked more like some fancy noble lady instead of an adventurer. However, that perspective quickly changed if one were to look underneath that fancy dress of hers. Equipment: Relying on her insects, she didn't wear any armor whatsoever. Personality: She was the calm, collected type, preferring to think a situation through before leaping into action. She was quite introverted, preferring the company of her books and insects over other people. If she decided she didn't like someone, she would stop bothering to make friends with them. History: She came from a long line of magical researchers. However, unlike her forefathers, she was unable to use ordinary spell-based magic. Her talent awkwardly lied in befriending and manipulating all kinds of bugs and insects, even magical ones. Thankfully, unlike most girls, she actually loved the feeling of bugs crawling on her skin. Now, she was capable of covering her body with insects underneath her dress. When her father heard of her wish to explore the dungeon, he gladly sent her off after pulling some strings with some shops on the Emporium, making sure she received the appropriate bugs to start off her adventure. Her father used to explore the dungeon as well, so he was glad that her daughter had the same adventuring spirit as he did. Guild Ranking: Since she just arrived, her guild ranking is still wood. Misc: She could use her insects for both offense and defense. Half of them were hardened cocoons, able to help her with withstanding attacks towards her. The other half consisted of various stinging bugs, all of them having various poisons with them. And when they failed, she had a single magical mantis that could turn big and attack her enemies, in cost of her mana, thus she couldn't keep it up for long. List of her bugs: 1. Steel Legged Cocoons = Not exactly as hard as steel, but the bug's hardness is as hard as a leather armor. It also has some meager resistance to magic. It has the capability of moving and jumping around her body with their tiny black legs jutting out from their cocoons, allowing reactive armoring of her body since they don't really cover all of her body at once. 2. Killer Bees = Their sting is known to carry with them some deadly poisons, though it takes about a day for the poison to really kill someone. However, the poison will immediately give the victim nausea, dizziness and muscle-ache, slowing down their movements. 3. Beastly Mantis = The only bug monster she has now (the rest being ordinary bugs). It can grow back to its original size if she would feed it mana. Its original size is about twice her height. Goals: Her goal is to search for a way for her to be able to cast ordinary magic. She wished to follow in the footsteps of her ancestors after all.