[center][h3][color=green]Sonika - Denver Skyline[/color][/h3] [@j8cob][@Nattook][/center] Furnace's face betrayed nothing upon seeing Celia, however upon Sonika leaping backwards inhumanly far he took two steps to chase before he realized there was no way to beat her to the person that had happened upon them and halted. Upon hearing Sonika's threat he was unable to resist a expression of slight distaste and worry briefly passing over his face before it returned to neutral. [color=orange]"Alright, no one's moving. What now?"[/color] He asked calmly. The heat stopped increasing, decreasing to an hardly noticeable level from Sonika's current position. One could assume he wanted to keep the hostage safe but he seemed equally determined to catch Sonika, what happened next could be quite interesting. [hr] [center][h2][b][u][color=0054a6]Also The PRT Building[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center] [center][@solokolos][/center] For a response a small flip phone as pushed through a slot in the door. It looked to be a disposable phone, doubtlessly bugged, and to be gotten rid of as soon as he was done using it. Beyond that there was no response, he'd be able to place one phone call with the prior mentioned item before he'd find it useless for anything. [hr] [center][h2][b][u][color=0054a6]Also The PRT Building[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center] [center][@Banana][/center] The Director waved his hand as he waved the concern aside, [i]"Overlook isn't registered yet so you're free to keep it. If you step outside, if you step outside Eva will take you to where you'll be staying temporarily until we get you better situated. You'll have access to a computer, write up a list of whatever you think you need and it'll go under review. You'll also be able to set up appointments with a therapist, if you want we can also get someone to start determining the extent of your para-humanism. If you have any further question you can lodge them in the system or ask Eva on the way over."[/i] The Director stood up and walked towards the door, opening it and holding it open for Ruben, indicating that he should exit now. Eva would be waiting to lead him through the building to a room the size of an average bedroom, with a small bathroom area including a shower, some furnishings such as a bed, as well as a computer, with access to programs that would let Ruben view information relative to him as well as log any requests he had. [hr] [hr][center][h3][color=f49ac2]The Streets of Denver[/color][/h3][/center] Retcon laughed and drove towards the described place, [color=pink]"Why? Oh I get asked that question more than you'd believe."[/color] Retcon left it at that for a while as they drove at a speed that was only a little illegal until they arrived. [color=pink]"You're lucky I'm not driving my cab or I'd charge you, end of the line for you two. As for why. It was fun!"[/color] With that Retcon would drive off as soon as the twin exited, the roar of the engine still audible for several seconds before it raced off too far. [hr] [center][h3][color=BA55D3]Home Of the Wisp[/color][/h3][/center] [center][sub][@PlatinumSkink][/sub][/center] The group of Rockers nodded like a bunch of bobble-heads, [b]"You got it Wisp."[/b] and hurriedly made their way to the a street not far away, then they all piled into a beat-up looking car and started driving away. If Wisp was unable to secure some method of transportation she would be unable to follow.